Recent Content by beardwhisperer

  1. I need advice.....

    I need advice.....

  2. B

    I need advice.....

    Vivi's already starting to warm up. Still very timid but moving along way faster than I thought she would.
  3. image.jpeg


  4. B

    I need advice.....

    Thank you everyone. I'll keep all of this in mind. Once she starts showing herself and is a bit more comfortable I'll make sure to post some photos. I'm avoiding overwhelming her as best I can. I'll make sure to check in as things move along. -Rick
  5. B

    I need advice.....

    Hi everyone, I just made this profile because I adopted a 6 month old female cat which I decided to call Vivi. I've had cats before but most I have raised from a very young age or they were properly socialized once I took over care. I was incredibly hesitant to adopt Vivi because she is not...