Recent Content by Bduty93

  1. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    It appears to have been the snacks we were feeding her. Once we switched that she hasn’t thrown up once. Thank you for your help everyone. :)
  2. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    Calming not cleaning. Haha
  3. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    She actually sleeps in a carrier that we got her a while ago for emergencies, we just leave it open and out all the time, so I know she’ll get in it herself. But I will definitely check out a cleaning products for the actual visit.
  4. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    25% of cats is pretty high, so it sounds possible for my paddy cat. Can’t hurt to have it checked. I got her from my mom about a year and a half ago and she never took her to the vet so we are nervous about how she’ll react. But thank you everyone. We will apply all of this and let you know the...
  5. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    LTS3: We will definitely take her if nothing changes over the next week. Thank you. Furballsmom: Then bottled water it is. We keep it stocked down stairs where it’s cool so it should be safe for her.
  6. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    The puke doesn’t have anything weird in it. Just her food. We thought maybe her stomach is just super sensitive. We are going to try different snacks and pumpkin first but a vet visit is definitely on the list if it keeps up. Thank you. :)
  7. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    She gets tap water currently, she’s not a big water drinker to begin with. Maybe a couple sips a day. We also have a rabbit and he does drink bottled water. Would bottled water be okay to use for her?
  8. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    Thank you. :) We brush her once a day. She almost never throws up hairballs. It’s almost always pure food that comes up. But we can definitely try more brushing, pumpkin and different treats.
  9. Bduty93

    Cat Vomiting Almost Everyday

    Madison is almost 13 years old and she runs, plays, jumps and generally has a decent time moving. And litter box habits are unchanged and regular. She is a larger cat and always has been heavy but it isn’t hindering her. However she seems to throw up at least once a day, up to 3 to 5 times in...