Recent Content by baublecat

  1. B

    Lost the Good Fight

    Thank you for your kind words and thoughts. Time will make things better (or at least more tolerable) but we are still pretty blue. Best wishes to you both!
  2. B

    Lost the Good Fight

    Back in April, I posted in the Behavior Forum about my two cats, Loki and Cat. The older of the two, Cat, had gone to the vet to have teeth pulled and the two cats never reconciled despite many, many efforts. Cat had been living in isolation since then, with daily visits to play. Well, the...
  3. B

    One Cat Still Scared of The Other

    Thank you for the replies. I have tried the towel technique but with no success. I have not - yet - tried Hissy's suggested vanilla extract technique. I will try this new method in a few days when I have time to be around them both and observe their response. For the time being, we keep the...
  4. B

    One Cat Still Scared of The Other

    Yes, my two cats (Cat and Loki) are still having "issues". Although it appears that this time it is Cat (and not Loki) who is having a hard time coping. Almost 2 months ago, Cat had gone to the vet and Loki did not recognize him when he came home. After two weeks of misery, I finally put Cat...
  5. B

    Reintroducing My Two Cats

    Hissy, Sorry for the delay in responding to your suggestion, I have been out of town on business. I tried the perfume route earlier in this process but with no luck. Oh well, I'll try again. The idea of two cat toys on a string sounds like sheer genius to me!! That one will be immediately...
  6. B

    Reintroducing My Two Cats

    Hello all! About 2 weeks ago I had posted about how my Cat that had gone to the vet's office to have teeth pulled was suffering the hostility of my other cat (Loki) when he returned home. I am pleased to report that after 10 days in seclusion, Cat is doing well and actually seems to be bored...
  7. B

    Home from Vet, Other Cat Hostile & Aggressive

    Lotsocat, Thanks for the concern. At the risk of displaying my complete ignorance, that question didn't really hit home with me until yesterday when I moved him to private quarters. I think the general "pain" angle is probably quite true. After a night alone, this morning found him having...
  8. B

    cat teeth

    Nunny, As I discovered, it is not at all uncommon for cats to lose their teeth. My husband's cat lost all of his front lowers, and several back ones. My advice would be to stay on top of the issue and have a good chat with your vet. Specifically, you may want more frequent gum checks to...
  9. B

    Home from Vet, Other Cat Hostile & Aggressive

    Just tonight I have put the older cat, Cat, into a separate room as you suggested. He is now residing in the guest room complete with food, water and litterbox. I also gave him a Purr pad (complete with a little catnip spray) and arranged for some gentle classical music background. I hope it...
  10. B

    Home from Vet, Other Cat Hostile & Aggressive

    I am grateful for finding this site! I have two cats. The first is about 12 years old and belonged to my husband, and is creatively named Cat. The second cat is almost three years old, named Loki. When Loki first joined us, he always wanted to play but Cat would give him the "go away, I'm...