Recent Content by babytrees

  1. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    twstychik- thank you so much for all of your replies!! This long hair thing scared me a bit but you have made it easier!! It is a fairly large hunk so I will be having someone hold her and I will cut half and try and work the rest out. She seems to sense when we are going to comb her head or...
  2. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    I looked for detangler last night. I really do think I am just going to have to buck up and cut it out as I think she hurt herself (cut on the forehead) trying to rub it out by herself.
  3. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    mizjazz that is almost identical to the comb I ended up getting last night...along with 3 new toys. Pearl loves the toys...and she's spoiled.
  4. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    Thanks!! Now I know what I am looking for!!
  5. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    Wickett is handsome!!!! Is there a specific comb or brush you use???
  6. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    I don't want to shave her...her hair is thin on top....probably from stress as it is already becoming fuller. That mat is really bothering her I think I am going to try and cut it off tonight. I have never felt a mat on her underbelly...but I also don't want one to develop. She LOVES the...
  7. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    Thanks for the information.....she's 6 years old, trying to teach the old kitty new tricks isn't a quick thing. Like I said we've never had a long hair before...I will get a comb when we make a food run today.
  8. B

    Long Hair Care ??

    Our newest family a long hair kitty. We have never dealt with long hair (on a cat ) before. She loves to be brushed, except on her belly, and her fur is filling out. Our problem is she has a mat of hair that must of started at the rescue group. It is right below her ear and...
  9. B

    What has your cat caught??

    Todd would bring live birdies and mice in for the amusement of Addie. They would "play" with them until they died...than we could have them.
  10. B

    New rescued cat questions

    Thank you all for your responses!! It's just new territory we've come to with adopting an older cat. I think you may be right that the biting could be from overstimulation...thinking about it she tends to bite when more than one of us is giving her attention. I think she likes me best because...
  11. B

    Hi there!!

    Okay-I don't know if this will work but this is the picture every creature counts has of Pearl We are in the middle of unpacking from moving into our first house and just don't know when I'll be able to get pictures of the new ruler of our...
  12. B

    Hi there!!

    as soon as I get home.....and figure out why my camera and photobucket don't like each other. She's a beauty....first time we've started with a cat and not a kitten. Thanks for the warm welcome all!!!
  13. B

    New rescued cat questions

    We adopted Pearl on Monday from a rescue group. She had been with them for more than 5 months. She is about 5/6 years old. We have had cats in the past....just raised them from kittens and were able to decode their behaviors. So I have a couple of questions: Pearl licks us quite...
  14. B

    Hi there!!

    My name is Theresa and we just adopted a rescue cat, Pearl, who is about 6 years old. Since it's been about 11 years since we last had cats and we had them since they were kittens I thought I'd join this forum for more information!! She is a beautiful light calico who knows she's the queen bee...