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  3. A

    Ooh look another newbie

    My husband and I found a new name for our little fur baby. It's Cyrick. It's actualy the name of a fictional demon from the Forgotten Realms; Advanced Dungions and Dragons game set but it just has a kewl ring to it doesn't it. It kinda fits him because altho most of the time he's quite gentle...
  4. A

    Ooh look another newbie

    to tell you the truth I have no way of finding out who might or might not be missing I said no tag. He was evidently well taken care of tho because his skin was nice and firm (not loose like malneurished) he doesn't seem to have fleas or worms(altho we're still gonna give him a flea...
  5. A

    Ooh look another newbie

    The image didn't work right so here it is again..
  6. A

    Ooh look another newbie

    Aset here Hi there, I just joined. As you can see my name is Aset and I just got a beautiful new kitten. He's a 6 month old black domestic short hair with three white markings. An arrow shaped one on his neck, an hollow diamond shaped one on his chest and a splotch on the groin reagon. I...