Recent Content by Arya Underfoot

  1. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day, Saturday, March 18

    Best - Trees, wildlife, bushwalks, amazing lookouts, chocolate shop Worst - Tourists, lack of medical services, dogs are everywhere
  2. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, March 15, 2023

    A small can of Coke in the afternoon is all I have, as I don't drink tea or coffee, not fond of the flavour and not a warm drink person, I also don't drink milk, can't stand any milk flavoured drinks. When I used to work I would often drink a V energy drink to wake me up but haven't worked for 5...
  3. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day: Sunday, March 12

    I still have to wear them to doctors appointments, which are a regular thing for me. When we go to New Zealand in a couple of weeks I'll at least be wearing a mask in the airport or any crowded places, the last thing I want is Covid ruining my holiday. We both had it back in November, so are...
  4. Arya Underfoot

    Is anyone as afraid of animals as much as they love them?

    I grew up with cats and dogs but when I was in school there was this dog in our street that would constantly get out and attack me on the way home, got really badly bitten once, nothing was ever done about it, the dog was neglected by its owners, chained up all day but he still managed to escape...
  5. Arya Underfoot

    What is your favorite cereal 🥣

    I don't drink milk, it makes me queasy, so I used to have my cereal dry, as a kid I loved Fruit Loops, as a young adult my favourite was Crunchy Nut Corn Flakes (I'd eat them straight out of the box) but now I'm obsessed with Jamie Oliver's chocolate porridge recipe, tasty, healthy and no milk!
  6. Arya Underfoot

    Your Name as a Spring Fragrance

    Dreamy Strawberry Beach, I guess it's better than bananas!
  7. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, March 8, 2023

    My wedding ring, for some reason I've just never gotten used to putting jewellery on every day and occasionally forget, I feel naked without it, especially if my husband is with me, I don't want to look like "the other woman". I also can't get by without my meds, just knowing I have them with...
  8. Arya Underfoot

    question of the day Friday March 3rd

    I have lots of flowers in the garden but my all-time favourite is Jasmine, technically it's a weed but I love those sweet smelling flowers. Before I got injured I would take a bunch to work with me when it was in season and just inhale every time I'd feel stressed, soooo nice.
  9. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day, Thursday March 2, 2023

    My Lush Rosy Cheeks face mask - it's not edible but because of the fresh ingredients it must be kept in the fridge. I also have about five different chilli sauces. I wish I had the patience for sourdough, I love to bake bread but haven't had much success with sourdough, I think our weather...
  10. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day: Sunday, February 27

    After reading Irvine Welsh novels I became very accustomed to swearing, sometimes in a Scottish accent. I do occasionally like to use substitutes like fudge, bugger or crap.
  11. Arya Underfoot

    question of the day Friday feb 24th

    Chocolate, especially if it's dark and rich, but has to be from the chocolate shop, supermarket chocolate just doesn't hit the spot anymore.
  12. Arya Underfoot

    Never have I ever - Retro Edition

    Same as most - 2 - AOL & MySpace. It's interesting how vinyl and cassettes are back in fashion, I don't think VHS will make a comeback though.
  13. Arya Underfoot

    Question of the Day, Wednesday, February 15, 2023

    I'm always looking out for a better shampoo and conditioner. I have thick wavy hair that's damaged from all the colouring I do. At the moment I'm using Sukin but I've found that anything containing shea butter seems to condition my hair well. I like natural ingredients, I did use Lush for a long...
  14. Arya Underfoot

    What are you watching/streaming?

    I finished watching it recently, I was mostly interested to see Sharon Van Etten act but she doesn't have many scenes. It's interesting, a pity that it didn't get renewed, I felt it was going somewhere. I won't spoil anything for you, hope you enjoy it.