Recent Content by Ardina

  1. Ardina

    4 month Kitten dugs out his poop from litter box and plays with it

    Saipha used to do the same as a kitten! Thankfully she outgrew that habit. In the meantime you can try to outsmart him by putting the litterbox inside a box that's just a little bit bigger so you have a 1-2 inch gap all around the perimeter. Hopefully when he tries to scoop out a piece of poop...
  2. Ardina

    Cat crack but for home-made? (make it taste better)

    You can also add some egg yolks on top once a week. My cats love them.
  3. Ardina

    Is it safe to starve my picky cat into eating his damn food?

    Not to throw another wrench in the mix but have you tried raw? I too have a carb loving cat who it took me a year to transition from all dry to unhealthy wet. And she continued to be ridiculously picky with wet food and would only eat gravy type wet food with a bunch of wheat. One day, my...
  4. Ardina


    I used Dr Elsey's litter for a while and then switched to smartcat for a more natural option. It worked great except for the tracking, which drove me crazy. And then one of my cats started going outside the box, so I gave up and switched back to Dr Elsey's. Much less tracking and no more going...
  5. Ardina

    Taking my kitty on a plane more regularly

    I've flown with my cats a few times when moving cross-country. One of my cats is a meower, but it really doesn't matter if you're worried about annoying your neighbors since the sound of the plane engines will be louder than most cats. In fact, my immediate neighbor on my last flight with them...
  6. Ardina

    Corona Virus Now Spreading

    Speaking as a healthcare provider, the reason masks don’t do much good to the average person is because they only work if worn correctly. Meaning not touching the outside of the mask or anywhere on your face. They also have to be taken off in a specific way to avoid contaminating the user...
  7. Ardina

    Using more than one topical flea treatment in a single month, ongoingly?

    I'm not sure whether alternating multiple products would be safe. I think a good starting point would be to figure out how the medications are cleared from the body - renally? Hepatically? And make sure they're cleared through different organs. Mechanism of action is important too - different...
  8. Ardina

    Can I feed my cat raw Tilapia?

    Whenever I buy fish (for my own dinner!), my cats always get the eyes and a bit of tail to munch on. It's perfectly safe to feed it raw unless your cats are immunocompromised for some reason. Though I wouldn't feed fish on a regular basis. They also eat raw chicken, lamb, goat, and rabbit and...
  9. Ardina

    How to teach cat to chew?

    I had to train Saipha to eat chunks, whereas Mishka was a kitten and picked it up on her own. For Saipha, I figured out something that she found irresistible - chicken hearts - and started out by mincing them. Then slowly increase the size of the pieces. Eventually they do learn to chew...
  10. Ardina

    Need Advice & Help For Airline Travel With Kitty

    Definitely use a harness with leash, at least to get through security. The last thing you want is a panicking cat squirming out of your arms and disappearing into the bowels of a busy airport. I put the harness on before placing them in a carrier, attach the leash through a small opening just...
  11. Ardina

    Bengal Vs Boyfriend

    For chewers, I found that the Tuffy Jr line of dog toys works really well. Saipha used to have severe pica and would chew on everything, including corners of wooden furniture, metal, plastic, etc. The tuffy Jr toys (the small bone is lightweight enough for cats) stood up to a year's worth of...
  12. Ardina

    If You Had To Name Your Next Pet...

    Eggplant and potato curry. Potato would be funny for a chubby brown tabby.
  13. Ardina

    To Bell Or Not To Bell?

    The only time I put a bell on Saipha was when she had a senior cat housemate. He was a little deaf, so the bell helped him be aware of where Saipha (a naughty little kitten who liked to sneak up on him) was at all times. I don't have collars or bells on either of my cats now (both are indoor...
  14. Ardina

    Introducing Adult Females

    I have two female cats - Saipha and Mishka. Admittedly, I introduced them when Mishka was a kitten and Saipha a year old. After a little bit of hissing from Saipha, they bonded and are best friends now. Mishka absolutely adores Saipha and always looks for her after a nap for some quality mutual...
  15. Ardina

    Transition From Kitten To Adult Food

    If it fits with your budget, I'd recommend feeding them exclusively wet food because high moisture content is really important for cats, especially males who are more prone to urinary blockages. Whatever you decide, whether wet, dry, or a combo, pick a food that has meat in the first several...