Recent Content by anothercatlady

  1. anothercatlady

    Caring for injured feral

    I have been feeding and caring for a feral for 8 years. She's about 9 years old now. Until last Saturday she lived outside in or under a shed. Hated to be shut in anywhere! But, after the first year of patience, she trusts me enough to get into my lap. Loves to be petted. Again, in the past, as...
  2. anothercatlady

    Need advice - meeting of house cat & feral

    I don't think you did anything wrong. Cats, like people, don't like everyone they meet. I introduced an old feral to my two house cats slowly as you did. That's a method suggested even when both cats are not feral. It did not initially go well. One of my house cats still hated him, growling and...