Recent Content by angelrn08

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    my poor kitty

    Hello everyone, Keegan went to the vet today for his last shots...the vet ask his usual questions and then I ask about neutering because he is peeing all over my house. I was SO mad at him...but upon further evaluation by the vet my poor baby has a BAD urinary tract infection. He had a shot of...
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    Question? Lumpectomy vs Simple Masectomy

    When my mom was 42 she was diagnosed with stage 2-3 breast cancer in both breasts....with mets to the lymph nodes on the right side. she had a double mastectomy...a simple on the left and a radical on the right. She also had a year and a half of chemotherapy....went into congestive heart...
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    Keegan is a diff kitten,lol

    To clarify.... He was just sleeping, eating, pooping, and occasionally playing with the dogs when I first brought him home....but in the last week he has become affectionate and playful with me, and he still loves the dogs...but he crawls up on my lab for a rub, and he attacks me playfully all...
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    to neuter or not to neuter

    I am going to neuter him, just wanted to ask your oppinion. Just another question. I havent sent his reg papers in yet, should I, since he isnt going to be breed or shown?? Thanks
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    to neuter or not to neuter

    Hello everyone, Keegan is a 17 week old Pure Breed Blue point CFA registered Himalyan Kitten. That being said, I am not planning to breed him. He is strictly a companion....or at least for now. What do you guys think? thanks
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    Keegan is a diff kitten,lol

    Hello everyone, I have had Keegan for 3 weeks and he is a different kitty than when I first brought him home. This past week he has wanted to be held, he is purring constantly, and he is playing all the time. He was only eating, sleeping, and pooping. Is that normal for him to just change??..??
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    Cat Dog

    Hello, My cat thinks he is a dog,lol. He loves a bath..will even get into the sink and wait on you...likes being brushed....doesn't like cat toys but will play with a dog ball all day long, and my two mini dachshunds are his best friends. He plays with them, sleeps with them, does everything...
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    Does anyone know about stillbirth procedures during the 1940s?

    I agree with an above post. I think that your best bet is to contact the hospital. They have to have some record of who was working at that hospital. Even though it was over 60 years ago there could very well be nurses still alive that you could contact. I am sure that if something bad enough to...
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    New Kitten and Diarrhea

    I did get it, and I mentioned it. That is the next step if the runny poo isnt clear soon. My vet thinks it is just stress, food changes, etc....but the breeder e-mailed me and said that his brother still has diareah so.....I dont know what to think
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    Second night in a row...

    Well you start with your feet and your point your toes forward for 12 seconds and then let them will feel the tension release, then tighten the muscles in your legs for 12 seconds and release...again you will feel the tension release, then you stomach muscles. then your arm muscles...
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    My other babies!!

    Here are my two dogs...Chocolate is Molly and black and tan is Gabby August (my baby beardie)
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    Second night in a row...

    Okay, I know this sounds stupid but... As I was going through nursing school, I had an instructor teach relaxation exercises, and anytime I can't sleep I just do them.
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    Trying to get rid of fleas - what am I missing?

    Fleas are horrible this year... Is there a way you could take all of youe pets out for a few hours and "flea bomb" your house? Also I love the spot on Revolution. It is wonderful. My new kitten had fleas and I used it...two days later no flea...also works great for my dogs!!
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    Swollen Neck - 5mo old kitten (pics)

    That could be alot of things, including swollen lymph nodes. Take that baby to the vet! Good luck!
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    Two new additions!

    Absolutely adorable!!!!