Recent Content by ang

  1. A

    Gender Bender?

    Thanks for the links, and I'm actually going through Volunteer Services for Animals, like I said, it's just a matter of getting them in. I'm hoping for next Thursday, Rin is having a heat right now so I need to make sure she's through before taking her in. I wait tables, so my money flow isn't...
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    Gender Bender?

    There is one, actually, and they have limited slots, unfortunately. They only do it Tuesday and Thursdays and apparently the female slots fill up VERY quickly. (I've also had money issues. ) The cost is $65 per cat, and it includes a distemper and rabies vaccine, so I know it's a good deal...
  3. A

    Gender Bender?

    Thanks for your help! I'm pretty definite she's a female, I just wanted to make sure that she was healthy!
  4. A

    Gender Bender?

    Hi, I have two nearly 10mo old kittens, neither have been fixed yet. (Planning on it within the next two weeks AS SOON AS I can get an appointment!!) As far as I know, they're sisters, and one of them has already had her first few heats, which is a lot of fun, as you could imagine, however the...