Recent Content by amy bowers

  1. amy bowers

    Group treatment for feral cats

    Oh I think maybe I'm being confusing! Lol! I have the dosing amounts and everything I just don't know how to dose a bunch of cats that can't be handled since they are feral. I was hoping that maybe someone had done a group dosing of piperazine successfully.
  2. amy bowers

    Group treatment for feral cats

    We have tapeworm wormer and know how we can dose that one but wasn't sure about how best to do the piperazine.
  3. amy bowers

    Group treatment for feral cats

    We have 4 adults and 5 kittens (about 9 wks old) that need to be wormed. We bought some wormer with piperazine as the active ingredient. I know that piperazine can upset stomachs so I don't want to overdose the cats but how can we treat this group of cats? I've seen where people say to estimate...