Recent Content by ambermae

  1. ambermae

    Panleuk recovery symptoms

    Oh my gosh I’m so sorry you lost so many of your kitties. It was definitely such a hard thing to see them go through. Since keeping them at the vet for 3-5 days was just not an option for me financially, I took a week off of work and kept giving them sq fluids and syringe feeding them their food...
  2. ambermae

    Panleuk recovery symptoms

    Hello! I decided to make this account because I always have 100 questions about my kittens and never know who to ask. At the beginning of this month, both my kittens had panleuk and were not given good odds of survival by the vet. However, they both seemed to pull through pretty fine. They were...
  3. ambermae

    Help for 2 Kittens

    Hi! I used an old shoe box the first night I got my 6 week old kittens and the second night my mom found a disposable tray. I used that and had them in my bathroom until I was able to get them proper equipment. They also have disposable litter boxes with litter in them they could use for a night...