Recent Content by aimsfaust

  1. aimsfaust

    Just Lost Leo

    Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts.  I never imagined the coming days would be as hard, if not harder than this past week.  The ritual of going to bed has been very tough, as that's where I would make sure there was a bowl filled with cold water in the sink and a bowl filled with pebbles...
  2. aimsfaust

    Newbie, just joined today

    thank you for the kind words.   I am sorry to hear about Sparky as well. 
  3. aimsfaust

    Newbie, just joined today

    Hello everyone, I joined this afternoon after making the very difficult decision to put Leo, our 16 and a half year-old cat down today due to cancer.  It's been a very sad day...but I had been reading through some of the blogs in the last few days while we waited for biopsy results to come back...
  4. Just Lost Leo

    Just Lost Leo

  5. aimsfaust

    Just Lost Leo

    Last Monday, my husband and I took Leo, our 16 and a half year old cat to the vet, as we had noticed him becoming finicky with food and at times drooling.  Although he was still running, playing, and eating, we wanted to make sure everything was okay.  We didn't think it would be anything much...
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