Recent Content by ahuff

  1. A

    Avoiding Urinary Block Recurrance??

    We are now +1 year past a urinary block that almost killed our kitty. I was also a wreck right after it happened and determined to not have it recur, so I completely sympathize! It is interesting that you read that stress and low fluid intake could be to blame for FLUTD, that was the theory I...
  2. A

    Diet info for oxalate crystals needed?

    I have read online that cats on acidified diets have a tendancy toward low potassium levels, but my vet doesn't seem to think this is the cause, more the cat's age. I gather that the Waltham S/O is a neutral-Ph, so supposedly better than other UTI diets (do we ever really know which the best...
  3. A

    Diet info for oxalate crystals needed?

    Our cat had struvite crystals and a urinary block a little more than a year ago. We got him one of those filtered pet fountains ($30) and it made a huge difference in how much we've seen him drinking. He's on the Waltham S/O food and our vet is now recommending potassium supplements (based on...
  4. A

    Cats and Allergies?

    Yeah, we are trying that (not letting him roll in the dirt). He is mostly an indoor cat, but spring/summer, he really likes to patrol the yard for infiltrating cats! Yesterday, we kept him indoors all day and we have covered his two favorite places to roll. He was insistent on going out this AM...
  5. A

    Where do you shop for pet food to save money?

    For better or worse, we feed our Kinky (we didn't name him and he answers to it!) Waltham S/O, a prescription diet, due to a urinary block last fall. It's quite expensive, but better than more high vet bills and a very sick kitty! His coat and weight have NEVER been better since he started it...
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    Cats and Allergies?

    We have an 8.5 year old, male, short-hair named Kinky. We adopted him at age 5 and he's the most wonderful cat (yes, I'm biased). I have never had allergies to any cats before and have almost no allergy reaction to anything. So, after three and half years, all of a sudden this spring, I go wild...
  7. A

    Avoiding Urinary Block Recurrance??

    We have an 8-year old, fixed, mixed-breed, mostly indoor, male, with no history of UTI, FLUTD, etc. Fed dry Friskies entire life (hasn't liked super premiums) and has been very healthy and not overweight. While out of the country for two weeks, he was free-fed. A friend & my mom were checking on...