Recent Content by ace1977ca

  1. ace1977ca

    Cat terrified of boyfriend

    Hi everyone, My normally loving and friendly Zoe is absolutely terrified of my relatively new boyfriend.  We have been dating for a few months and I just recently moved Zoe into his apartment as that's where I spend almost all my time.  She was previously in a house where I rented a room from a...
  2. ace1977ca

    Kitty can't poop

    Sorry I haven't updated....been crazy with holidays and travel. Zoe is doing much better now. Her blood work came back fine Xmas eve morning and just before I packed her up to come with me to my parents, she had a huge poop! I was so relieved! She has been having good healthy movements ever...
  3. ace1977ca

    Kitty can't poop

    Well, it's back to the vet today for blood work to start.  He also wants to do x-rays.  He's pretty confident it's not just plain constipation :(   This couldn't be happening at a worse time as I am leaving tomorrow to go spend Xmas with family and my landlord/roommate is looking after her.
  4. ace1977ca

    Kitty can't poop

    Yea, she was pretty stressed and exhausted after they expressed it.  I'm hoping it's just cause her bum is still too sore.  She drank a whole bowl of water last night, so I hope that helps soften things a bit.
  5. ace1977ca

    Kitty can't poop

    Thanks for the well wishes everyone!  We visited the vet last night and it turns out she had an abscess in one of her anal glands.  He was able to drain it without cutting and gave me some antibiotics for her.  She still wasn't able to go this morning, but she at least didn't vomit after trying...
  6. ace1977ca

    Kitty can't poop

    A little bit of background, she is 15yo and has been on the raw diet from for about 5+ years.  She's had small hard poops for quite a while now, so I have been adding more and more water to her food, but it hasn't helped.  As of today he has not gone in about 3 days, but she can...