Recent Content by aattura

  1. A

    High Liver ALT values in what seems to be a healthy cat!

    I think you may have hit the nail right on the head!!! I WILL mention this to her vet-- however, CC's bloodwork in March showed no abnormalities-- and at that point, there was no indication of a heart murmur (which was discovered 3 weeks later, in April) either....! (Vet oversight perhaps???)...
  2. A

    High Liver ALT values in what seems to be a healthy cat!

    Well, this may appear to be insignificant compared to whatI'm reading above, but Cee Cee, who lived outdoors for at least 2 yrs, near a 4 lane highway, until she was rescued by me in 2003, has always been healthy (took her in yearly for her exams) until last exam -- everything was ok, including...