Recent Content by aadrago01

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    How to tell genders?

    Awesome thank you! So much, and yes just the two boys!
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    How to tell genders?

    Awesome thank you so much!
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    How to tell genders?

    The grey one has white in the face, mom is a torti! They’re nursing off of mom, the grey one is just not taking in as much I guess?? Current weights orange is 180 grams and the grey is 173. I’ll insert a better picture of the grey!
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    How to tell genders?

    Also how many grams should they gain a day?? The orange one is gaining good it seems, but the grey one doesn’t gain anymore than 7 grams a day.. is that okay?
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    How to tell genders?

    Can someone help me try to figure out what they are, I’ve done research but I still can’t see to figure it out
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    Pregnant cat, help

    I don’t know as I said before if she still has another one in there but she’s again licking like crazy, and her back end looks like this.. could she have another?
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    Pregnant cat, help

    Her back end looks like this, is that normal is she was done with labor?!
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    Pregnant cat, help

    Update; she’s been licking her back end for a few minutes now!
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    Pregnant cat, help

    This is her now
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    Pregnant cat, help

    She’s attending to her kittens. This is her right now
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    Pregnant cat, help

    It was 6 hours between the first and second, so we’re hoping it’ll be the same with this one.. she’s tiny and this is her first litter so we’re watching her closely
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    Pregnant cat, help

    Right now she’s resting, her leg goes up off and on as well which is when she’ll sit up and lick and then her stomach will start going hard and then soft like she’s barring down