Recent Content by 7littlekittens

  1. 7littlekittens

    FLEAS! What would you recommend?

    I know your pain.  Last year our house was overrun by fleas.  I have four indoor cats and a dog.  The best way I found to handle this and had amazing results was I use Revolution for the cats as over the counters don't work here.  For the house, I blocked off a room at a time and sprinkled...
  2. 7littlekittens

    Why Does Frontline and Advantage Not Work For Fleas Now?

    The best resolution for fleas in your home / pet bedding / pets - Revolution for the pets, for the house and bedding, use 20 Mule Team Borax.  Sprinkle all over everything and leave for 24 hrs.  Keep pets out.  Vacuum up and go to the next room.  If you have pet beds, sprinkle on the bedding...
  3. 7littlekittens

    Complete 180

    When I say she doesn't walk on the ground, she truly avoids it at all costs.  She walks along my fence to get around.  The only thing I can think of is she may have been bitten by a snake.  She wasn't doing well for a few days and even left for a week.  I so want her back to her old self.
  4. 7littlekittens

    Complete 180

    I have a former feral that stays outside with her brother.  She was always very playful, running across the yard.  Then a couple weeks ago she slept in my lap for over an hour, ran away for a week and now she won't walk on the ground and is scared of everything.  Vet check didn't find anything. ...