

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 19, 2006
Glendale, CATifornia
Many people live successfully and lovingly with cats even though they have allergies. I have known of some who do because they would NEVER abandon or betray their beloved feline family members.


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Mar 23, 2012
Heading home everyone. Thankfully no blood clots and my lungs look ok. I'm going to my general dr with these results. I'm praying some strong allergy pills will help. I'm still breathless. My oxygen levels are ok. But i still have this feeling that i can't take a complete breath.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Oct 10, 2018
Heading home everyone. Thankfully no blood clots and my lungs look ok. I'm going to my general dr with these results. I'm praying some strong allergy pills will help. I'm still breathless. My oxygen levels are ok. But i still have this feeling that i can't take a complete breath.
Anxiety can do that. You're constantly stressed, and that's not good for anyone.


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2012
Anxiety can do that. You're constantly stressed, and that's not good for anyone.
i did have these attacks when i was young. but it never happened for a week like this before. i went to sleep with a face mask and used flonase before going to sleep. ive never tried it before, only used pills. i did wake up feeling better.

im heading to the doctor to see if prescribed allergy pills will help just in case. Im going to start sleeping with a mask every night as well even if its uncomfortable.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Try the Flonase before bed. If your oxygen levels are normal it is most likely anxiety. When my husband came down with West Nile and it messed with his brain, he would have anxiety attacks that put him in the ER. Look into the injections, they last much longer and work very well. As you get older, allergies, (and anxiety) can be greatly increased because your body is getting weaker in fighting off things that it used to fight off very well.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
i did have these attacks when i was young. but it never happened for a week like this before. i went to sleep with a face mask and used flonase before going to sleep. ive never tried it before, only used pills. i did wake up feeling better.

im heading to the doctor to see if prescribed allergy pills will help just in case. Im going to start sleeping with a mask every night as well even if its uncomfortable.
I hope this works! I ended up sleeping with a mask during labor after my epidural kicked in, so I know it can be done even if it's not the best.

Have you had any luck on the job front? Did you decide to apply anywhere offering more money, or doing something like uber eats? The long game will definitely have to be getting your own place. For both your mental and physical health (and the kitties will probably be happier, too). :hugs:


May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
im heading to the doctor to see if prescribed allergy pills will help just in case. Im going to start sleeping with a mask every night as well even if its uncomfortable.
I've never used a mask and it was not recommended for my personal allergy issues but if it helps - I am affected by environmental allergens also. Therefore, eliminating the pets would not make a difference because there are other triggers. At least that's what I tell myself. :lol: It's my way or rationalizing keeping the animals and working around them. :greenpaw::bluepaw:

Best of luck when you see the GP, please let us know if he prescribes something for you and what he or she suggests. :alright:


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2012
Try the Flonase before bed. If your oxygen levels are normal it is most likely anxiety. When my husband came down with West Nile and it messed with his brain, he would have anxiety attacks that put him in the ER. Look into the injections, they last much longer and work very well. As you get older, allergies, (and anxiety) can be greatly increased because your body is getting weaker in fighting off things that it used to fight off very well.
I tried flonase last night and today and it does seem to help. Thanks! The problem with the injections is the time invested. I cant take off work twice a week to go to the allergist. :confused2:

Ask your doctor about sleeping with a mask. That may make you feel worse. And also talk to him or her about injections vs pills and possibly testing you for all allergens.
I mentioned it and she didnt seem concerned. She prescribed me a couple of pills. But after i read the side effects i decided not to take them. I left her a message to recommend some other pills. The ones she prescribed can cause hallucinations, depression, anxiety and aggression. No sense making my mental health issues worse. She referred me to an allergist. But i had such a bad experience last time that i dont think i will go. Plus i dont have time go so many times to get shots.

I hope this works! I ended up sleeping with a mask during labor after my epidural kicked in, so I know it can be done even if it's not the best.

Have you had any luck on the job front? Did you decide to apply anywhere offering more money, or doing something like uber eats? The long game will definitely have to be getting your own place. For both your mental and physical health (and the kitties will probably be happier, too). :hugs:
My breathing is better today, i think the mask helped. Still breathless but not too bad.I have applied for a few jobs. But honestly by the time i get home, deal with the kitties and eat dinner. All i want is to lie down and sleep. I havent tried uber eats yet. im so stressed out by my current job that all i want to do is relax on the weekends. :frown:

I am trying to apply for other jobs. But i am being picky about which ones i apply for.

Its been stressing me out that i was hired to do one job, and they added on the job listing that other job functions would be added. So they give me the stuff that no one wants to do. Im working with an older lady that seems to be at that point in life where you start to forget things. She has asked me so many times how to add a pdf to an email. I give her pushes to do things on her own. She even told me she would only ask for help once a day. But she keeps asking.

theyve given me some of the stuff she used to do. I work with this lady that is abnormally picky. They asked me to do a report on our admission procedures. We have had like 3 (1-2) hour meetings about it. Every time she finds something to change about it. A sentence she was fine with before now needs to be changed. I think she noticed she was getting on my nerves that she just corrected it herself. Which she could have done from the beginning. The report is about her department not mine. The worst part of this job is that im still stuck going to meetings and writing down minutes. I hate noisy environments and having to focus on people talking about the same issue for multiple meetings without making a choice.

A lady that was hired at the same time as me recently quit. lol i was told that her job is a revolving door.

I regret changing jobs, but i am hoping i can use my current pay as an incentive to be pickier about the salary i will take.

I've never used a mask and it was not recommended for my personal allergy issues but if it helps - I am affected by environmental allergens also. Therefore, eliminating the pets would not make a difference because there are other triggers. At least that's what I tell myself. :lol: It's my way or rationalizing keeping the animals and working around them. :greenpaw::bluepaw:

Best of luck when you see the GP, please let us know if he prescribes something for you and what he or she suggests. :alright:
The mask truly does help. I can even clean with bleach again. I am allergic to other things too, but not as bad as to the cats.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Being picky is probably a good idea. I know we all just want you in your own place ASAP, but it's better to be smart about it and do what you can to inch in the right direction while taking care of your mental health.


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Mar 23, 2012
Being picky is probably a good idea. I know we all just want you in your own place ASAP, but it's better to be smart about it and do what you can to inch in the right direction while taking care of your mental health.
I am feeling better this weekend. I have been wearing a mask or face shield the past few days around my room and my allergies have improved. And i dont get the breathless feeling as much. Which is a huge relief. I decided not to take the allergy pills that they prescribed me. The side effects were too scary.

Allergy injections are only that frequent at the beginning. Once they get built up enough in your system it you would only need them every few months.
I will look into it. I just dont want to miss too much work in case interviews come up. I am trying to switch jobs.


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Mar 23, 2012
Its 3:30 am. I tend to wake up through the night as i struggle with insomnia. Now my cat has taken to waking me up. She screeches a meow for about an hour. Or she body slams onto my bed tent and lands on me (her and the tent.) I dont know how much more i can take with dealing with them. I sleep in a hot tent, with a mask on my face so i can breathe without being affected by them. i am ordering ear plugs to see if she wont wake me. im so hot i cant even sleep with a blanket and get sweaty most nights.

if i knew someone i completely trusted i would have rehomed them long ago. That is the only thing stopping me at this point. I care about them and dont want to dump them in a shelter with a stranger. i am sick of the hassle they have caused me for the past 5 years. I dont know what to do anymore. The only thing i know is that i dont want to leave them with a stranger.


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Mar 23, 2012
Hi, just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you lately, and I hope things have improved somewhat.
Thank you for checking in!

The situation is still the same. I am still at the same job. I have gone to a couple of interviews. Since i am looking for a specific pay I am being choosey what jobs i apply for. I have the feeling this jump will be the hardest one so far. I need a good pay to live on my own in miami.

I am still at my brothers house. It is stressful because of their kids being so loud. But other than that i am getting along with everyone. I have been down lately because i feel bad that the cats are stuck in this tiny room 24/7.

My health has improved since i have lost 50 lbs, so i am doing better mentally since i feel better physically.

I am sorry i havent been checking in, i pretty much go to work, and then come home to search for jobs. It was easier when i was working from home.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 18, 2017
Wow, congrats on losing 50lbs! That's awesome and I'm so glad your health is doing better. That's definitely a win.

I'm glad you've had some interviews, and hopefully you'll get a better paying job as well. :hugs:


Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Yes, congrats on losing 50 pounds! And wonderful to read that both your physical and mental health is improving. Even though it may feel like "situation is still the same", your improved health is definitely a positive change. Good luck with your job search.


TCS Member
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Mar 23, 2012
Been having a weird situation at work. A girl left because she works with the clinical director. I am helping in her place since she left without notice. Word around the office is that she got sick of dealing with him, she asked for a raise and they laughed in her face. Lots of crazy stories that no one knows what is true. But one thing I do know is that everyone hates the clinical director. I have one faculty member tells me that she will help me but she won't do anything for him. Another one told me my boss needs to learn how to do his job (after I asked this faculty for help.) I hear from everyone else all the things that he has done. Not sure what to believe.

Before i learned of all of this i didn't really like him. He tends to smile with his teeth only. I sensed he was two-faced. Now that i am helping him i see how the things he does don't add up. He tells me he will handle all the student issues. But then i see him emailing the students telling them to reach out to me for help instead of him. He has no idea what this girl was doing, and he seems to be trying. He says all the right things but even though he did one training meeting with me. He hasn't gone in and actually used the two softwares we are learning about.

And even though he was confused after the meeting he seemed to think that I would pick up on how to use the software once. I keep telling him I won't learn so fast after a quick training. And he straight up told me that I have to learn how to use the software programs fast because he will be too busy to do anything. But then he also tells me that he will help me and to not stress out. I have told him that i don't learn well when someone teaches me something verbally, but he keeps talking for an hour and seems confused jumping from topic to topic.

I am just helping but he acts like im his assistant. We had to send evaluations to a hospital and instead of figuring out how to do it himself, after work hours he kept texting me and the faculty for help. I ignored him and so did the faculty member. He then had the faculty do it first thing in the morning. He loves asking other people to do things for him. Instead of going into the software and calling e-value for help.

I've told my boss how pushy he is being but my boss just tells me to do the training. My boss told me the clinical director has no idea what he is doing, and he had no clue what his assistant is doing. But I don't think my boss cares because he is leaving for another job.

Today I was trying to help a girl because the clinical director kept pushing her off on me. Another faculty member had to spend two hours with me figuring out all the steps to get her cleared for her rotations. I think he felt bad because he saw that i was close to crying. Even he was confused with all the different steps you have to remember and we called their helpline 3 times. You guys know I suffer from anxiety and mental health issues that I never addressed. This entire situation makes me feel lost and unstable. I have never felt this way with any other boss.

The job the girl had paid well and would be a pay bump. But I am already feeling anxious after a few weeks. I don't know if I want to be stuck with this guy for 2 years. I hate being trained by someone that has no idea what he is talking about. And having to watch my back because of everything I am hearing. But at the same time, it is scary to think about losing out on a chance like this.

This is the first time I have genuinely disliked a coworker. I dread thinking he will show up at my cubicle and start talking in circles. My boss is only around part-time and doesn't really care about the mess in the office.

Anyway just wrote in because i feel conflicted about all of this. I'm not the best at speaking up in life.