My cat was diagnosed with stomach cancer but I’m confused.


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
Any advice at all would be helpful. My cat was totally fine then suddenly started throwing up through night. Took him to the vet that morning. An X-ray was done and showed some fluid in his belly which I was told was normal because of the vomiting and he was dehydrated. Next, an ultrasound was done and nothing, no masses no tumors no blockage of any kind. It was obvious my cat is in pain. Lastly, a blood test which came back with an elevated level of calcium at 12 and from that, she diagnosed him with stomach cancer or cancer that is localized to his stomach or digestive track, even though everything else was normal. He was given a steroid shot and we were sent home with steroid pills. I just find it so hard to believe this diagnoses being that everything else came back normal including no masses of any sort. It’s only been one day now and the steroid shot doesn’t seem to be working. He’s very weak which is unusual for him because he’s normally an active, some what hyper boy, he seems to be in pain and is barely eating. He only gets up to drink but then vomits a lot a few hours after. He hasn’t moved his bowels but is urinating in his litter box... no blood in vomit or urine. He’s only 9 years old. We were told by the vet to take him home, see if the steroid injection helps to make him comfortable for the time being and if it doesn’t work then we will need to make that decision, the decision I can’t even think about without crying. I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I tried calling the vet today to get some of my questions answered but I never received a call back. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Part of me thinks maybe the vet is wrong but I’m not sure if I’m just giving myself false hope. Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
I agree this sounds a little fishy. Did they give him any fluids by IV for the dehydration? If not, that makes no sense. I just don't know how they came to that conclusion. I would think there would be a mass or spot of some sort if it was cancer and the fact that they didn't call you back knowing the situation says a lot in my opinion. I would seek a 2nd opinion at another vet. All the test have been done. Make them send the results to another vet and get another opinion. You may want to think about an emergency vet. They seem to be more well versed in situations like this. May cost a little more but well worth it. Hope this helps and good luck! Please do keep us updated!
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  • #3


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
I agree this sounds a little fishy. Did they give him any fluids by IV for the dehydration? If not, that makes no sense. I just don't know how they came to that conclusion. I would think there would be a mass or spot of some sort if it was cancer and the fact that they didn't call you back knowing the situation says a lot in my opinion. I would seek a 2nd opinion at another vet. All the test have been done. Make them send the results to another vet and get another opinion. You may want to think about an emergency vet. They seem to be more well versed in situations like this. May cost a little more but well worth it. Hope this helps and good luck! Please do keep us updated!
Any advice at all would be helpful. My cat was totally fine then suddenly started throwing up through night. Took him to the vet that morning. An X-ray was done and showed some fluid in his belly which I was told was normal because of the vomiting and he was dehydrated. Next, an ultrasound was done and nothing, no masses no tumors no blockage of any kind. It was obvious my cat is in pain. Lastly, a blood test which came back with an elevated level of calcium at 12 and from that, she diagnosed him with stomach cancer or cancer that is localized to his stomach or digestive track, even though everything else was normal. He was given a steroid shot and we were sent home with steroid pills. I just find it so hard to believe this diagnoses being that everything else came back normal including no masses of any sort. It’s only been one day now and the steroid shot doesn’t seem to be working. He’s very weak which is unusual for him because he’s normally an active, some what hyper boy, he seems to be in pain and is barely eating. He only gets up to drink but then vomits a lot a few hours after. He hasn’t moved his bowels but is urinating in his litter box... no blood in vomit or urine. He’s only 9 years old. We were told by the vet to take him home, see if the steroid injection helps to make him comfortable for the time being and if it doesn’t work then we will need to make that decision, the decision I can’t even think about without crying. I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I tried calling the vet today to get some of my questions answered but I never received a call back. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Part of me thinks maybe the vet is wrong but I’m not sure if I’m just giving myself false hope. Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I agree this sounds a little fishy. Did they give him any fluids by IV for the dehydration? If not, that makes no sense. I just don't know how they came to that conclusion. I would think there would be a mass or spot of some sort if it was cancer and the fact that they didn't call you back knowing the situation says a lot in my opinion. I would seek a 2nd opinion at another vet. All the test have been done. Make them send the results to another vet and get another opinion. You may want to think about an emergency vet. They seem to be more well versed in situations like this. May cost a little more but well worth it. Hope this helps and good luck! Please do keep us updated!
Hi Sabian, I’m not sure if I’m replying properly, I’m new to this site but thank you so much for responding. She did say she gave him fluids under the skin, I didn’t see her do so and he wasn’t there in the back long. No IV though. I’m a bit relived to know that it’s not just me that believes something doesn’t sound right. I also read somewhere that dehydration can cause elevated calcium levels in blood but not sure how true that is. I mean, it’s obvious my little guy is sick but I just feel like something is going on that hopefully can be treated. Again, maybe I’m in denial, I’m an emotional mess over this. I’m definitely going to have him seen in the morning, I really need a 2nd opinion.
Thanks again for your thoughts.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Mar 11, 2017
North Carolina
Your very welcome! Yes you got it right and welcome to the site by the way! I'm just sorry it's under these circumstance's. I'm not sure about the elevated calcium levels due to dehydration. I can't remember now how my vet gave my cat fluids for dehydration but it may have been a shot. I had a cat 3 yrs ago that did wind up having cancer and passed. He was 16 yrs old and in hindsight there were signs I should have picked up on well in advance but I wrote it of as old age. Even my vet didn't pick up on it. It's a long story but, I wound up going to an emergency vet due to incompetence at my normal vet. If this just came on suddenly and you didn't see signs over time I kind of doubt it's cancer. I could be wrong but, I hope not. You may not even need to take him to the vet right off. I would call and tell them the situation and let them get the test results first, evaluate them and, then let them tell you how to proceed. I wouldn't stress your cat anymore than is needed. Let me know what happens and good luck!
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  • #6


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
Hi, I'm really sorry about the news. These things are so hard to deal with. If you suspect that the vet might be wrong, you might be able to get a second opinion...I hope everything goes well. Good luck!
Hi, yes, I’m going to call first thing tomorrow. Thanks so much.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Yes, I would definitely get a second opinion on something as important as this. Steroid injections are really good at shrinking tumors, but do take a couple of days to start working. I wonder if an obstructed bowel was missed somehow. He is not moving his bowels because there is most likely nothing in there. Keep encouraging water, go and get/order some Hartz Delectable lickable treats in the stew flavors, I've had cats eat that when nothing else works. I'll pray for that sweet boy.......

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
Yes, I would definitely get a second opinion on something as important as this. Steroid injections are really good at shrinking tumors, but do take a couple of days to start working. I wonder if an obstructed bowel was missed somehow. He is not moving his bowels because there is most likely nothing in there. Keep encouraging water, dehydration is a real possibility. I'll pray for that sweet boy.....
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  • #10


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
Yes, I would definitely get a second opinion on something as important as this. Steroid injections are really good at shrinking tumors, but do take a couple of days to start working. I wonder if an obstructed bowel was missed somehow. He is not moving his bowels because there is most likely nothing in there. Keep encouraging water, go and get/order some Hartz Delectable lickable treats in the stew flavors, I've had cats eat that when nothing else works. I'll pray for that sweet boy.......
Hi and thank you.... see this is what boggles my mind, there are no tumors , nothing was seen on the ultrasound. I’m waiting for vet to call me back now.... if it was an obstructed bowl, would they see that? How about Pancreatitis, would they be able to tell just from a CBM blood test? Then again, I’m not sure if that would spike his calcium level..... I just have many unanswered questions, hopefully I will get these questions answered soon. Thanks again for your suggestions, o will try anything at this point.


Staff Member
Jun 21, 2014
Los Angeles
The vet decided from hypercalcemia that your cat has " stomach cancer or cancer that is located in the stomach or digestive tract." I have known vets who make this sort of leap of faith deduction and then throw the more or less obvious treatment at it, which in this case is steriods. You were definitely not given enough information and while I can't say what may or may not be going on I think that locating another vet is definitely in order.

I am also picking up "write off" diagnosis somehow in the crosshairs, probably from the part where you were told that if the "throw something at the wall and see if it sticks" plan does not work that you need to make "the decision." Definitely go elsewhere and consider a cat vet or a referral hospital/specialist.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 5, 2017
United States
I am wondering about controlling the calcium level with diet. Ask whatever vet you go to! Hypercalcemia is something seen more these days, or diagnosed more. Many of the processed foods contain things that cause a higher release of calcium into the system. A high protein and lower vitamin D, lower carbs. diet is what I have read would be helpful. An increase in fiber. Heck that with the vet first though. You certainly can do some research before making “ the decision.” There are things besides cancer that can cause high calcium levels. Perhaps the vet is right but better to have all the information to make sure you can be at peace with any choice. My hope is that there is a different, and treatable cause. :alright:


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
Any advice at all would be helpful. My cat was totally fine then suddenly started throwing up through night. Took him to the vet that morning. An X-ray was done and showed some fluid in his belly which I was told was normal because of the vomiting and he was dehydrated. Next, an ultrasound was done and nothing, no masses no tumors no blockage of any kind. It was obvious my cat is in pain. Lastly, a blood test which came back with an elevated level of calcium at 12 and from that, she diagnosed him with stomach cancer or cancer that is localized to his stomach or digestive track, even though everything else was normal. He was given a steroid shot and we were sent home with steroid pills. I just find it so hard to believe this diagnoses being that everything else came back normal including no masses of any sort. It’s only been one day now and the steroid shot doesn’t seem to be working. He’s very weak which is unusual for him because he’s normally an active, some what hyper boy, he seems to be in pain and is barely eating. He only gets up to drink but then vomits a lot a few hours after. He hasn’t moved his bowels but is urinating in his litter box... no blood in vomit or urine. He’s only 9 years old. We were told by the vet to take him home, see if the steroid injection helps to make him comfortable for the time being and if it doesn’t work then we will need to make that decision, the decision I can’t even think about without crying. I honestly don’t know what to do at this point. I tried calling the vet today to get some of my questions answered but I never received a call back. Has anyone else had a similar experience? Part of me thinks maybe the vet is wrong but I’m not sure if I’m just giving myself false hope. Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
My beautiful eight year old house kitty had stomach cancer. We first notice a change in her behavior, she was staying mostly in one room and didn't want to leave it. She was making small strange bms that looked nothing like hers usually look and she did start throwing up alot. My kitty had Pica (she has eaten non edible items in the past) , so we thought she might have eaten something and had a partial bowel blockage. We took her to the vet where a battery of tests were done on her and they came to the conclusion she had stomach cancer. We were devastated and we pretty much were where you are right now; shocked, saddened and had no idea what to do next. We had some serious discussions with the vet and among ourselves with what to do next. We had her put on steroids immediately. We wanted to know what stage she was in, so they did more test and sadly she had a very aggressive stomach cancer and was given a short time to live. We gave her pain killers and made her feel comfortable and she died almost 3 months later. In her case, it was too late, but their are a number of treatments including surgery and chemotherapy. I believe you said the cancer is localized, then that would be stage 1. My cat was at stage 3 by the time we found out. Talk to your vet and work on getting your cat well enough to handle whatever treatment is deemed best for your cat.

Stay optimistic and don't entertain bad thoughts. You need to be there for your cat. Remember, they can read into our energy and moods. Get your spirits up, and work at keeping your cat comfortable and not stressed out.

My thoughts and 🙏with you. You are on this wonderful forum with many caring cat parents who will share their experiences and offer their advice. You are not alone.🤗


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
My beautiful eight year old house kitty had stomach cancer. We first notice a change in her behavior, she was staying mostly in one room and didn't want to leave it. She was making small strange bms that looked nothing like hers usually look and she did start throwing up alot. My kitty had Pica (she has eaten non edible items in the past) , so we thought she might have eaten something and had a partial bowel blockage. We took her to the vet where a battery of tests were done on her and they came to the conclusion she had stomach cancer. We were devastated and we pretty much were where you are right now; shocked, saddened and had no idea what to do next. We had some serious discussions with the vet and among ourselves with what to do next. We had her put on steroids immediately. We wanted to know what stage she was in, so they did more test and sadly she had a very aggressive stomach cancer and was given a short time to live. We gave her pain killers and made her feel comfortable and she died almost 3 months later. In her case, it was too late, but their are a number of treatments including surgery and chemotherapy. I believe you said the cancer is localized, then that would be stage 1. My cat was at stage 3 by the time we found out. Talk to your vet and work on getting your cat well enough to handle whatever treatment is deemed best for your cat.

Stay optimistic and don't entertain bad thoughts. You need to be there for your cat. Remember, they can read into our energy and moods. Get your spirits up, and work at keeping your cat comfortable and not stressed out.

My thoughts and 🙏with you. You are on this wonderful forum with many caring cat parents who will share their experiences and offer their advice. You are not alone.🤗
I also agree with many on this thread get a second opinion. Go to a vet hospital if you can. The staff should be better trained, have loads of experience, and may have more state of the art technology.

In reading your post again, something does sound off with your vet's jump from the previous diagnosis to Stomach cancer. A second opinion is definitely in order.
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  • #15


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
My beautiful eight year old house kitty had stomach cancer. We first notice a change in her behavior, she was staying mostly in one room and didn't want to leave it. She was making small strange bms that looked nothing like hers usually look and she did start throwing up alot. My kitty had Pica (she has eaten non edible items in the past) , so we thought she might have eaten something and had a partial bowel blockage. We took her to the vet where a battery of tests were done on her and they came to the conclusion she had stomach cancer. We were devastated and we pretty much were where you are right now; shocked, saddened and had no idea what to do next. We had some serious discussions with the vet and among ourselves with what to do next. We had her put on steroids immediately. We wanted to know what stage she was in, so they did more test and sadly she had a very aggressive stomach cancer and was given a short time to live. We gave her pain killers and made her feel comfortable and she died almost 3 months later. In her case, it was too late, but their are a number of treatments including surgery and chemotherapy. I believe you said the cancer is localized, then that would be stage 1. My cat was at stage 3 by the time we found out. Talk to your vet and work on getting your cat well enough to handle whatever treatment is deemed best for your cat.

Stay optimistic and don't entertain bad thoughts. You need to be there for your cat. Remember, they can read into our energy and moods. Get your spirits up, and work at keeping your cat comfortable and not stressed out.

My thoughts and 🙏with you. You are on this wonderful forum with many caring cat parents who will share their experiences and offer their advice. You are not alone.🤗
I’m so sorry for your loss. I almost couldn’t respond because I was crying so hard reading your comments. I’m taking my little guy in tomorrow to get fluid therapy, he’s so weak from being dehydrated. I didn’t think to ask what stage so I’m glad you brought that to my attention. It’s hard to believe he would be this sick at stage 1. I am so heartbroken right now but I really am thankful to have stumbled upon this forum and also thankful for everyone who responded. I do find a bit of comfort when reading/knowing that there are other cat parents who made it through this terrible experience and I really appreciate all the prayers.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
I’m so sorry for your loss. I almost couldn’t respond because I was crying so hard reading your comments. I’m taking my little guy in tomorrow to get fluid therapy, he’s so weak from being dehydrated. I didn’t think to ask what stage so I’m glad you brought that to my attention. It’s hard to believe he would be this sick at stage 1. I am so heartbroken right now but I really am thankfyul to have stumbled upon this forum and also thankful for everyone who responded. I do find a bit of comfort when reading/knowing that there are other cat parents who made it through this terrible experience and I really appreciate all the prayers.
Just remember you are not alone. Hang in there. :alright::grouphug2: There are many great people here who really care.
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  • #17


TCS Member
Thread starter
Oct 25, 2020
My beautiful eight year old house kitty had stomach cancer. We first notice a change in her behavior, she was staying mostly in one room and didn't want to leave it. She was making small strange bms that looked nothing like hers usually look and she did start throwing up alot. My kitty had Pica (she has eaten non edible items in the past) , so we thought she might have eaten something and had a partial bowel blockage. We took her to the vet where a battery of tests were done on her and they came to the conclusion she had stomach cancer. We were devastated and we pretty much were where you are right now; shocked, saddened and had no idea what to do next. We had some serious discussions with the vet and among ourselves with what to do next. We had her put on steroids immediately. We wanted to know what stage she was in, so they did more test and sadly she had a very aggressive stomach cancer and was given a short time to live. We gave her pain killers and made her feel comfortable and she died almost 3 months later. In her case, it was too late, but their are a number of treatments including surgery and chemotherapy. I believe you said the cancer is localized, then that would be stage 1. My cat was at stage 3 by the time we found out. Talk to your vet and work on getting your cat well enough to handle whatever treatment is deemed best for your cat.

Stay optimistic and don't entertain bad thoughts. You need to be there for your cat. Remember, they can read into our energy and moods. Get your spirits up, and work at keeping your cat comfortable and not stressed out.

My thoughts and 🙏with you. You are on this wonderful forum with many caring cat parents who will share their experiences and offer their advice. You are not alone.🤗
I also agree with many on this thread get a second opinion. Go to a vet hospital if you can. The staff should be better trained, have loads of experience, and may have more state of the art technology.

In reading your post again, something does sound off with your vet's jump from the previous diagnosis to Stomach cancer. A second opinion is definitely in order.
i just read your post again and I’m wondering, when they did tests on your kitty, do you remember what was abnormal? Did ultrasound show any mass or tumors in order for your vet to diagnose? I’m just curious because our ultrasound didn’t show anything at all, nothing plus all other organs normal...kidneys, liver, heart ect. and all blood levels are normal with the exception of calcium. Even his white cells are normal.


Living in Kitty Paradise.
Top Cat
Sep 17, 2020
i just read your post again and I’m wondering, when they did tests on your kitty, do you remember what was abnormal? Did ultrasound show any mass or tumors in order for your vet to diagnose? I’m just curious because our ultrasound didn’t show anything at all, nothing plus all other organs normal...kidneys, liver, heart ect. and all blood levels are normal with the exception of calcium. Even his white cells are normal.
Something looked off in the sonagram, plus my kitty's stomach was hard. They did an endoscopy and he saw the mass and then took a biopsy which turned out to be cancerous.

I would make a immediate appt. with another vet or vet hospital. It may be possible that your cat doesn't have cancer, but some other condition. Vets are not perfect and wrong diagnoses happen. It is best to get a second opinion

Well I got to get to head to bed. I hope that helped you. Good night.

white shadow

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 28, 2010
Hi Brandee.

I take it that you're returning there tomorrow for fluids. However, if you don't have another immanent venue for him, do insist on some pain medication then. I'm appalled that this wasn't offered and hasn't been available to him. Personally, I wouldn't accept much more, if anything else from that clinic, though.

You said he hasn't had a bowel movement........but, with no other detail. When did you last see stool? How regular (regularly spaced) and at what frequency was he defecating? Do you know if his stool is usually hard? Describe how it looks. Has he ever strained to defecate?

If resources were not an issue, I believe I'd use a "referral hospital" - these are often specialty centers with 24-hour ER availability. DO Consider this if you cannot get him in to a new Vet tomorrow - he needs immediate treatment and nutrition. BTW, feeding tubes are standard operating procedure these days, so don't hesitate if it's recommended.

I would, though, be looking for a competent feline Vet. A starting point can be a cat-only (not "friendly") clinic with, ideally, the longest-practicing Vet, often an owner. 'Sweet young things' are most often sweet know-nothings. Another source can be the AAFP website: - for 'Practice Type' it's feline-only....and, do not check the gray "Cat Friendly" box.

You asked about standard blood tests diagnosing Pancreatitis. No, a more specific test is needed. There's a reliable, plain-language coverage of all that here. (you'll notice that Calcium levels are most often lower than normal with this, though)

It's my understanding that diagnostic imaging may not 'see' some foreign objects that can block the GI tract - that is where the use of techniques like Barium imaging come in 'handy'.....a competent Vet will know.

Keep us updated.