Vegan Cat Food Hunt


TCS Member
Thread starter
Sep 1, 2017
I recently went vegan, and no longer want to contribute to ANY Animal suffering, but the problem I have is: does anyone know any UK Brands for vegan cat food that are reasonably priced?
If you guys can give me some brand names that would be great. I do know that cats can be vegan and healthy, but isn't there an extra vitamin male cats need? (My cat is male) please help!


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
Also you need to understand to replace meat it would be carbs. So if you could feed kitty grains and potatoes all supplemented just so kitty doesn't die are you ready for the vet bills?

Diabetes, heart issues and more are things that are highly possible.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Apr 10, 2016
The South
Here's a good article.
Why Vegan Diets Will Kill Your Cat (and Sicken Your Dog)

I stress that whatever diet is required as a pet Guardian for your pet to thrive isn't optional. Just keeping them alive is not acceptable. Why are we so adamant? Because they can't talk. It's up to us to take care of them. Many of us have had to make health decisions that usually at the end of life require deciding when to let them go. If you've ever had an ill and dying pet you'll know it's heartbreaking and devastating. Many of us lost pets during pet food contamination. Most of us still blame ourselves. So as much as you feel vegan is better for animals you wouldn't want to kill one by feeding it an inappropriate diet. If you've ever found your pet dead or had to put one to sleep you'll understand How you go over everything you did. We are filled with guilt and remorse.

Luckily there are forums like this one to help educate us. To help us do the research and determine the best options to help our pets thrive as a pet Guardian. We owe that to them.
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Snowshoe Servant
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Sep 6, 2016
Southern California
Cats are obligated carnivores; they need meat to thrive. While a dog can thrive easier on a vegan diet cats are much harder to suitably feed a vegan diet.

One of the biggest problems, as outlined in an article below, is finding a properly balance diet. It is hard enough to find a good commercial cat food; a good vegan cat food is nearly impossible. You have to have one that is perfectly balance and your cat has to actually eat it. If the food is even slightly out of balance you could cause much suffering and easily their death. You honestly have to do monthly exams, blood and urine to make sure you arent harming your cat. Each cat is unique, a vegan food might work fine for one and another react horribly to it. Even if you find the perfect vegan diet and you partnering with your vet monthly for blood work your cat will just survive; not thrive.

One of my favorite cat advocates, Kitty Lady, is a vegan. She understands that her cats must eat meat for their well being and feeds them a meat diet so they can thrive. Don't force your ideology on your cat, please. I have nothing against the vegan life or wanting to be vegan but cats are natural meat eaters and need meat. I am pretty sure where you see things about cats doing well in vegan diets are vegan promoting websites, companies touting their products or those people who think anything good for a dog is good for a cat (like companies willing to sell you natural flea control for cats with tea tree oil which will kill your cat). If you absolutely insist on vegan for your cat you need to partner closely with your vet and monitor your cat extremely closely so you catch any problems before they kill your cat.

Here are a selection of articles about vegan cats. They aren't all anti-vegan either. I can't in good conscious recommend a vegan food because I honestly think the less plant matter in cat food the better. But hopefully one of the sites below can help you should you go that route.

Satya Nov 06: The Compromise: Vegan Cats by Maureen C. Wyse
Kitten Nearly Dies On Vegan Diet, Gets Healed With Meat | HuffPost
Vegan Cats
Vegetarian and Vegan Diets for Dogs and Cats
What About Vegans Who Feed Meat to Cats and Dogs?
My Cat, the Vegan
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May the purr be with you
Dec 22, 2005
Welcome to TCS! :wave3: I appreciate your concern about not wanting to contribute to animal suffering. I am vegetarian and one of my daughters is vegan. However, you can choose what you do or do not want to eat, your cat cannot. For that reason it is imperative to take into consideration his dietary needs. As other members have stated cats are obligate carnivores. Even some of the well known vegan cookbook authors who have a cat and tried a vegan cat diet had to discontinue it because their cat became sick. Please take your time, do your research and reconsider what is best for your cat. Once again, glad you came here for advice. We'd love to see a picture of your feline. :kitty:


Staff Member
May 27, 2013
Mount Fuji, Japan
I'm a vegetarian and I'm very concerned about animal welfare, so I can understand why you are thinking about making your cats vegan. However, forcing a cat to eat a vegan diet is a form of animal abuse. Your cat will soon become ill and could quite easily die because of this.

If you really can't bear the thought of buying meat based food for your cat re-homing might be the best option.

Sorry to be so blunt, but cats cannot survive without meat.


High Priest of Freya, The Slightly Bitey.
Super Cat
Sep 22, 2016
St. Louis Metro Area
While you can't fed a cat a vegan diet and expect the cat to be healthy, you can be strategic about your cat's food.

If you feed raw or cooked food (cooked is actually quite easy and safe to do.. you basically just brown meat in water and add a measured amount of the vitamin packet ( U-Stew is he best known brand) once it cools. ) , You can ensure that your cat eats less cruel meats by feeding only free range meats, avoiding pork, etc.

A compramsie like cooked food from low cruelty sources isn't vegan, but no cat should eat a vegan diet (or even one with a significant part of the food being from non meat sources.) While humans, as omnivores have the option of reducing or even eliminating the meat we consume, cats don't. It is just how nature made our two species.


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 1, 2006
I recently went vegan, and no longer want to contribute to ANY Animal suffering
It seems to me that forcing an animal to eat a diet that is the opposite of species appropriate would be causing animal suffering directly, not just contributing to it. Everything about a cat's digestive system is geared towards eating meat. Feeding them large amounts of plant-based food tends to cause illness sooner or later. The kindest thing you can do for your cat is feed him a good meat-based food, preferably wet food. You can even make fresh cooked or raw food using more humanely raised meat, as Sargon suggested.

Kieka mentioned the Kitten Lady, who is a vegan and a kitten rescuer, and teaches shelters how to save young, unweaned kittens so they don't get put to sleep, or worse, left to starve, for lack of anyone to care for them. IMO she is doing a lot to prevent animal suffering in this way. She feeds kittens milk-based formula and meat-based canned food because she knows it is what they need to thrive. Hannah Shaw (@kittenxlady) • Instagram photos and videos


Charlie's Purrson
Feb 18, 2017
I'm vegetarian as well, but I still feed my Charlie regular cat food, because I know he needs the nutrients that only a meat-based diet can provide. Cats are obligate carnivores, and their bodies are designed for eating meat. Unlike humans, they can't thrive on anything else, and can't make the choice to become vegetarian or vegan. If you feed wet food pates or kibble, you can't visibly see the meat bits in there. If this is hard for you, just tell yourself that you're doing what is best for your cat and his health.

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Your attempt to not cause animal suffering will only cause your own pet great suffering. We aren't vegan but eat very little meat. We make this decision based on our lifestyle. We are obligated to meet our pets nutritional needs regardless of our personal feelings. There may come a point where a true vegan diet is possible for a cat there is not a reliable one on the market.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Oct 28, 2016
Although you can't safely feed a cat a vegan diet, you CAN find cat food brands that focus on treating livestock animals with respect. Two that I know of are Open Farm Pet Food and Ziwipeak. I know that this may not be a desirable alternative, but at least you wouldn't be feeding money into corporations that use conventional cruel practices.

Personally, I've known cats to develop allergies to corn and wheat. These are two main ingredients in vegan cat foods, so I wouldn't feel comfortable giving them to my cat. It's also difficult for cats' digestive systems to break down vegetable products and grains, in general. So eating them in large quantities can have adverse effects on the cat. Which is why healthier brands of cat food are now including less grains/carbs and more animal protein.
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Forum Helper
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Nov 25, 2013
Welcome to TCS. And congrats on becoming vegan.

I've been vegetarian for almost 9 years, and having to feed a cat meat was one of the reasons it took me a while to adopt a cat. Eventually my life-long love of cats and the desire to give a shelter cat a home ended up with my adopting my Ruby. It does sometimes bother me when I think that I'm feeding her a dead animal, but I know that's the food she needs to live.

Good luck with your veganism. I have many days when I eat vegan and I avoid buying leather, but to be 100% vegan is very overwhelming. Animal products, sadly, are in things most people would never even imagine. I'd say, for now, particularly as you are a new vegan, don't worry about feeding your cat a vegan diet, just continue to learn how best to feed yourself, as that can be a challenge for an new vegetarian /vegan.