
kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
4 month old tortie medium hair. Listed as shy and possessing cattitude. Returned for aggression, biting and scratching.  She is loving and sweet and trills in joy when she sees me. I have no bites , scratches and have not seen the least bit of aggression except when she caught her reflection in the kitchen window last night. She uses the potty. Doesn't have a clue about scratching posts. Has already learned the word no. She has a tich of food aggression but we'll let that ride for the time being. Likely to go away on it's own. She tries to suckle on my neck. Bottle baby or weaned too soon. I must remove her and remain firm. She's on the floor now killing a spinning mouse checking to make sure I'm in eyesight.

Of course Mook is not happy. Snarling at me. the baby and the world and holed up in the closet. I have the gate on the bedroom. She can come in and go. Baby can't make it. The way the house is set up there isn't a good way to isolate the baby. Our second bedroom has been storage for years. Even when this baby jumps on me she is careful with her claws. I have no idea what the situation of her return was but I have yet to see even the smallest hint of aggression.

And Mook ventured out as soon as I took the gate off the bedroom door. I also sprayed catnip. She actually came and sat in the middle of the floor cramming her neck trying to look. Then hissed at me and ran under the kitchen table. Lucky I don't have a thin skin.

Husband came home Mook ran to him with the Daddy Daddy Daddy you won't believe what Mommy has in the house Ewwwwww. Throw it out. We done the pass off with her so I can now touch her again. She's midway. Hubs isn't going to touch the baby right now. Baby is in the crate and covered. I told hubs if he let Mook back in the bedroom ( he's a day sleeper) I would wag the evil wife finger. Tonight after baby play I'm putting the crate in the bedroom and sleeping on the sofa. So Mook now got within 4 feet of the evil crate from hell holding the demon monster. I got to go shopping this morning Baby crated and Mook able to observe and no one in danger of getting hurt. Even better I don't have to be bothered with all the nonsense. Part of me thinks it's way to soon after losing our Kitten. The rational part says the right one came along at the wrong time and you either go with it or live with more regret. Last night at 3AM I thought about boxing the baby up and taking her back. Now I have a Mook reclaiming her territory and a charming little fluffy tortie baby that sings to me.

All in all for the first 18 hours I think we're doing pretty good. Pictures to follow later.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
Welcome, little Mercy! :clap:

Four months old and returned for "aggression, biting and scratching"? Honestly, some people don't have the first idea about kittens. Her owners obviously never played with one. We've got a running joke at the shelter: "Did you know kittens climb?" Last winter somebody adopted two kittens - IIRC they were about four months old - and returned them after a few days because they were too noisy and climbed! The guy had supposedly had several cats. I guess none of them were at the Flying Wallenda stage when he got them.

Poor Mook needs some time to get used to the intruder.

When is way too soon? After our last cat died, my husband and I agreed to wait 5 or 6 months before getting another cat (we'd actually decided to get a pair of kittens). Eight days later Mogli moved in. Maybe the timing wasn't perfect, but he was the ultimate " feline grief counselor".

I can't wait to see some photos.
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  • #3

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Welcome, little Mercy!

Four months old and returned for "aggression, biting and scratching"? Honestly, some people don't have the first idea about kittens. Her owners obviously never played with one. We've got a running joke at the shelter: "Did you know kittens climb?" Last winter somebody adopted two kittens - IIRC they were about four months old - and returned them after a few days because they were too noisy and climbed! The guy had supposedly had several cats. I guess none of them were at the Flying Wallenda stage when he got them.

Poor Mook needs some time to get used to the intruder.

When is way too soon? After our last cat died, my husband and I agreed to wait 5 or 6 months before getting another cat (we'd actually decided to get a pair of kittens). Eight days later Mogli moved in. Maybe the timing wasn't perfect, but he was the ultimate " feline grief counselor".

I can't wait to see some photos.
I almost feel like I'm walking on Kittens grave before the ashes are cold. Mercy had done nothing to ease the loss of our Kitten. And if this had been the wrong baby it wouldn't have come home with me. I guess all of us know that deciding to add a new cat no matter when is a complex decision. It was a brutal loss with our Kitten. Irreplaceable part of our lives just gone. Mercy has many of Kittens traits beyond color and shape. I'm too mature to think I can make her into Kitten. Don't want to.

I have no idea what happened . It appears they had her about a month. I picked her up the same morning she was surrendered. For a kitten that has been bounced around she seems remarkably normal and happy. And yes she's at the flying wallenda stage. the good news is it doesn't appear she's been mistreated. Of course it doesn't appear she's been taught much of anything either. Mercy does make good eye contact and is obviously very human friendly.

I did find I had to pick up and store a mess more toys. She grabbed something Kitten played with all the time. I'll get her new toys. It's one thing to move on a bit it's quite another to rub salt in the wound.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Welcome to Mercy! It's so sweet that she sings to you. Chula and Paul are both so quiet - I really miss vocalizing. I hope Mookie and Mercy become great pals. And I hope Mercy helps you with your grief over dear little Kitten.

zed xyzed

TCS Member
Top Cat
Nov 10, 2015
Toronto Canada
Mercy is a very lucky girl. She will never be Kitten or replace her, but I think she will find another spot in your heart. It is amazing how big our hearts can get, and make space for another cherished friend. 
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  • #6

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Welcome to Mercy! It's so sweet that she sings to you. Chula and Paul are both so quiet - I really miss vocalizing. I hope Mookie and Mercy become great pals. And I hope Mercy helps you with your grief over dear little Kitten.
Kitten was a talker. She could also cuss like a sailor. She never followed through but you knew when she was unhappy. I suspect it is the Siamese in both of them. Mook is quite silent except went doing a great rendition of Mortica Addams with her shoestring in her mouth.  Came home from shopping and Mook was on the high hide. A bit above Mercy's pay scale for sure. So I let her out. Really all she's done is watch. No evil panther I'm going to rip your throat out noises. You have to hear this cats growl to believe it. I have no idea what part of Mercy is aggressive. She even puts her claws in when I hold her. Mook threw up twice today. I'm not surprised with how bent she was last night. I think once she figures out this is someone to play with she'll loosen up.
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  • #7

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Well good news. Mook has decided I am not the enemy and warmed back up. I gave her a teaspoon of nutrical and a half hour later she ate a good amount of wet food on her own. I guess we got the twist if not the knot out of her panties. And she's no longer hiding from Mercy. In fact she jumped the two barriers and sat on the kitchen table and informed the intruder this was her house. I see her reclaiming her turf as good. Mercy just sort of got a whatever look on her face but offered no challenge. What an aggressive kitten she is. not.

Mercy had no manners in human interaction. I had to hiss at her a few times to make her understand walking on faces is not permitted. She has also obviously been allowed to suckle on a human at some point. She's getting the idea that is not going to go on. We found an acceptable situation on my shoulder that wasn't what she had in mind but she accepted that on the face sucking on my neck was not going to happen. She's very intelligent and open to learning. I don't believe anyone has abused her. I have yet to see teeth and claws over anything.

Oh and she's like a parakeet. cover the crate and she goes quiet and sleeps. And if the baby is covered Mook is more comfortable. It's not a perfect solution. I'd rather the baby only be crated for a few hours at night. It's a short term solution that's working well though.

I hope to get her for a wellness check Tuesday. She's a tad underweight and her coat is a bit rough. She was in her first home for about a month. I have no idea what she was being fed or if she was competing with other animals for food.

Mook is laying by my feet about 3 feet from the crate that holds the demon from hell. She sniffed my hand after I got done with the baby and instead of hissing and taking a swipe she put her head under my hand for a cheek rub. Day one and two have been completed without bloodshed.


Mo(w)gli's can opener
Feb 13, 2003
Mo(w)gli Monster's Lair
That all sounds very positive, especially after just two days.Your "demon parakeet" sounds like a real sweetie!
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  • #9

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Mook has claimed the high hide and is observing Mercy.  I told my husband she is the perfect kitten at the worst time.
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  • #10

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
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Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
She has been collared and belled. That hissy fit passed in about 2 minutes. Such a horrible kitten.
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  • #11

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
Mook is sleeping in her favorite window and Mercy is playing on the floor a few feet away totally ignored. Mercy jumped up and Mook tossed up a smoke signal that said do it and die so Mercy jumped down. Day 4 going pretty good. Direct supervision at all times.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Oooh, Mercy is really beautiful! And what a sweet face. Glad to hear she's respecting Mook's signals! I hope things keep going well.


Professional cat sitter extraordinaire!
Top Cat
Apr 22, 2015
Northern suburbs of Chicago
Mercy is so beautiful! I love the play-by-play, so reminiscent of how it was when I got my kittens in July.
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  • #16

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
The sat by the open window birding for a few minutes. Everyone relaxed . I gently scooped baby up and put her in the crate for a nap. It was tempting to just let them be but we're working for a good long term outcome. Everyone is still figuring it out.
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  • #17

kittens mom

Kittens life was lost to a negligent veterinarian.
Thread starter
Top Cat
Aug 27, 2015
Moriarty, New Mexico
And so Mercy had her first vet visit. She was a most excellent kitten and let everyone handle her right down to getting her little claws clipped. I simply haven't been up to the task. She appears to have gained a few ounces already and hopefully should be able to hit her target body weight by the time she goes back in January. Her coat is much softer and even has a bit of shine to it after less than a week here. I don't know if it's the food or if she is now grooming herself properly. She seemed a tad unkempt when we brought her home. We're going to run another fecal count at that time also. Her first poo's here could peel paint and curl the carpet. Either I'm nose blind or that has taken a significant turn for the better. I'll set a litter box under the coffee table and serve you food and then plop the dirty pan up on the table top and let you decide. ( I hate that commercial you'd have to be a twit to do that ). Good passenger in the car and she even rep-crated herself at the vets office. While her and Mook are far from being bosom buddies there is less and less an air of hostility and more curiosity . Although there is evidence Mook was using the computer while we were gone doing a zip code search for Abu Dhabi.


Chula and Paul's roommate
Feb 24, 2015
Maryland USA
Good news that Mercy's vet visit went so well. She sounds like a very special girl and is obviously thriving under your care.

Be sure to check your credit card for any plane tickets under Mook's name![emoji]128568[/emoji]


Rules my home with an iron paw
Staff Member
Forum Helper
Oct 16, 2015
North Carolina
I am so enjoying the Adventures of Mook and Mercy.  I know it is a difficult time for you, but this little mite obviously needed you.  How could the previous owners have been so clueless of normal kitten behavior?  I can't count the number of times my leg has been mistaken for an elm tree at supper time!  So glad Hekitty is a grand dame of seven years, and not 4 months any more...although, I so enjoyed that age, as well (shredded thighs not withstanding).