16 month old kitten had FUO two days ago, I am so scared she will got a FIP

tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
English is my second language and I never use any English forum before, forgive me if I made any grammar mistake. I really need your help!!!

I was crying all night yesterday, and could do nothing with it. Here is the whole story:

 My youngest cat always had a weak body, during the thanksgiving holiday, there was a new cat (very small one my friend just adopted from the shelter)

came to visit my house. They shared a same litter box during thanksgiving. They play with each other for 5 days, but my kitten suddenly stopped eating

and sleeping a lot. She didn't purring and playing and eating for two days.

I took her to the vet and they said she had a 105 degree fever, they checked x-ray for her, and ultrasound, blood test, FIV/HW snap test, all showed she

is fine, just with fever.The vet never mentioned FIP to me at all, but they think I should take her to a bigger vet hospital because they thought she will

need a complete ultrasound from someone who is specialist. We took her to the nearest largest vet hospital, and they did every test again. But they still

can't find anything. Good news is she got a 103.9 degree fever and started eating right now. But news is 103.9 degree is still a fever. And the fever went

up and down. The vet suspect FIV once, but she thought it was unlikely for this stage, because my cat didn't have any FIP form, neither the dry one or 

the wet one. But she also mentioned maybe my cat has a FIV, but it was in a very early stage still, so she can't find anything related to FIP besides the

fever. If you have ANY information or advice. PLEASE let me know!!! I will keep update the information for my kitten!

miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
Welcome to TheCatSite!  I'm very sorry that your kitty is not well.  It is good news that she is eating some now.  I hope she continues to show some improvement.  Do you have an appointment to have her rechecked for the FIP? 

Otherwise are her vaccines up to date? 
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tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
Thank you for replying me!!!

She had all the required vaccines including FIV deworm and rabies. But I didn't give her a FIP vaccine, because that was not required and the vaccine itself is still very controversial. 

We let her did the FIP test today, but the vet don't think that was a good idea. She thought it is unlikely that my cat has a FIP in this stage.

Very good news is!!! My kitten have a normal temp right now!! It is 101.3 degree when I called them 2 hours ago. I called them 6 times today, they must hate me already..But still, they can not say my cat is 100% safe right now. 


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I think you may be confusing FIP (Feline Infectiious Peritonitis) with FIV (Feline AIDS.) Or perhaps I am getting confused due to the translation? My reasoning for this is that there is no vaccine available for FIP, but there IS a controversial vaccine available for FIV. Perhaps your kitten received her FVRCP vaccine and her FeLV (Leukemia.)
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tsui jinglei

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Young Cat
Dec 6, 2014
Sorry for the misunderstanding, I mistyped FIV in my original post, the vet though my kitten is unlikely to have a FIP. Or she may has a FIP but still in the first stage so the vet can not see any form.

There is also a vaccine for FIP, but no one recommend it. My cat had the Feline Rabies vaccine already, and the FIV/FELV/HW snap test is all good. 

Sorry for the confusing again!


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Since you mentioned that she's always been a bit weak healthwise, it's most likely just a little upper respiratory infection caused by the stress of everything over the Thanksgiving holiday.  Keep an eye on her and monitor her temperature at home. I use an ear thermometer for babies.  It's not as exact as using a rectal thermometer, but it's close and will give you a good idea of her temperature.  Just like in humans, when a kitty is fighting an infection, their temperature will go up and down.  Be sure she is drinking plenty of water and eating.  That's the most important thing to fighting off an infection, water and eating. 

If you don't know how to check for hydration, it's very easy.  Just pinch the skin on the back of the neck and pull up slightly.  If it stays up like a triangle, then she's dehydrated.  If it snaps back down onto the neck, she's fine.  If she stops eating, you will need to syringe feed her.

We found a kitten in our backyard about a month ago and brought her into our home.  When we introduced her to our resident kitties, she did the same thing your kitty did.  She started sleeping a lot, not moving, and stopped eating as well.  She also had a fever and some kind of infection.  She got a penicillin shot from the vet and she is better now.  I was also thinking about FIV, but I can't let my mind go there or I'll be a nervous wreck!  Love your kitty and she'll be fine.

ETA:  Your English is fantastic!
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miss mew

TCS Member
Jul 3, 2005
So glad to hear the good news on your kitten!  I also think your English is very good


TCS Member
Super Cat
Aug 27, 2013
New England
You English is very good, wonderful to hear the fever is down! :)
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tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
My kitty went home today!!!! She is now having a 101.4 degree, and eating normally. We are so happy to see that!!

But our vet still not sure about the original cause. I'm so worried about this. I will keep updating about her situation!!

Thank you all for your information and advice!!! Thank you stephanietx!
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tsui jinglei

TCS Member
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Dec 6, 2014
I find my avatar could move OMG it looks annoying.. It should be a quiet cute still frog
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tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
Update!!! My little cat had a 101.3 the day before yesterday so we took her back home. But the next morning, she has a 104.5 again. That was yesterday, her temp became slightly normal to 102.8 last night, we were so released, finally we had a good sleep. 

This morning, when I get up at 7, I went to check her, she was not in her bed but walking around. I almost smiled when I saw her, but when I measured the temp it was 105.5!!!!I was so scared, I called the vet immediately, when we arrived at vet, her temp became 106.4. I can't even breathe when I heard the number!!!They promised me they will give her fluids again, the temp in 1 pm was 99.8. My vet think it might be the toxo problem. They used the antibiotic towards toxo particularly. They told me not to worry about FIP, and I left vet at 3 pm.

Just now my vet told me the newest temp is 104.6. I don't know what to say.It was a little bit lower than morning, but still very high. I think I'm starting to have a fever myself, I lost 8lb in 5 days, and don't know how to pay my rent for next month. My vet told me to wait till tomorrow, okay, I will wait...Please!!!My little cat, you had better to recover from all of this!!!I promised you I will earn big money and study harder and harder to let you have your own luxury bed and private vet so you don't need to go to hospital, the place you hate so much! remember!!!????

PLEASE pray for my cat!!! 
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tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
Is there anyone could help me?


TCS Veteran
Aug 13, 2013
Southeastern USA
I certainly can't give a diagnosis; but, with such a high fever and the fact it has fluctuated, I'd be concerned about some sort of infection or a systemic virus.

I'm so sorry you are going thru this! =(
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  • #14

tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
Thank you catpack!! I went to hospital again this afternoon, just coming back. She is 103.5 right now, little bit better than yesterday, but still a fever. My vet told me she think it is unlikely to be a FIP..Because my cat is eating well, energetic and purring well..But what exactly it is!!!!??


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
You need to try hard to be calm, because the fact is, no matter how stressed out you are about something, it will be the same outcome regardless, AND your cat will know and feel your stress, so you will want to be as calm as you are able to.

Don't think by me saying this that I don't fully understand, we all do on here! My cats are my children too.

First of all, is she on antibiotics? If so, what kind? When were they started?

Fluids given sub-q will always bring down a fever temporarily, so some of the fluctuation you are seeing is because of this.

How is her behavior, is she eating, drinking? Any interest in being around you? Is she hiding or napping in odd spots where she normally would not?

Where did you get her from? When?
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tsui jinglei

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Dec 6, 2014
Catwoman707 thank you for the advice! I will not going to say you don't fully understand. I tried as calm as I could when I saw my little girl. My girlfriend is so scared too. I try to pretend to be calm in front of them. But actually I am so fear...and I know if I collapse in front of her she would only become more fear. This could be a long story, thank you for using your precise time to read it!!! I really appreciate your help and advice!!

She was on antibiotic. It started last Friday. Her fever didn't went down till Sunday. So at Sunday, her fever went down to 101.3. My vet told me that is totally normal and I could took her back home.

The first night she arrived home was perfect. She was so happy to came home and purring well. But next morning her fever went back to 104.5 again. We took the vet's advice wait till the night. Her fever went back to 102.7 again. So we suggest she is recovering from her fever. However the next morning, when I get up and test her for her temp it became 105.5. We took her to the emergency hospital in our town, which is only a small hospital. They told me when my cat arrived there the fever was 106.3. It could be very dangerous, so they use ice to down her fever, and her fever down to 99.3 in two hours again. We left her in the hospital and her fever went back to 105 again. The hospital in our town suggest us take her to the big hospital in our capital city again. She really hates travel, but we have nothing else could do. So we arrived the hospital yesterday night. When she arrived there her fever was 103. Yesterday night her fever fluctuate from 101 to 103, still 103 this morning.

2 hours ago the vet told me as far she doesn't have any symptom besides fluctuate fever could diagnosis she has FIP. She gain her weight from 8.8lb to 8.95lb, and become more energetic. Her blood tests are all good.She is eating well, drinking well. When she is not in a fever she was super normal just like when she was very healthy. But every time I found her in a fever, she was sleeping a lot and eat a little. So it was really different in the morning and in the night. Her temp could be very different in one day.

The vet is going to give her a bunch of test right now because they still don't have the answer. That will cost another 2000 dollars. i have already spent 5000 dollars on her fever. I really spent all the money I have right now. So I am really ..depression..I think it is all my fault. Only if I have more money..I am still waiting for her test result right now. But even though there is really a cancer disease, I don't have any money for her any more.

I bought her from a local animal store. But she lived with my friends new kitten for 5 days during thanksgiving. My friend's new cat just came from shelter. 

That's all the information I have right now. Thank you again catwoman707. I need to be strong and calm.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I can't offer you any advise, it has me stumped! But I wanted you to know my heart goes out to you and I will pray for your sweet cat to get better. Try not to feel so bad, you are doing the best you can with what you have and that is all anyone could ask. What your cat needs the most is your love and comfort, and it sounds like she has that!  Good luck and keep us posted!


TCS Member
Dec 16, 2011
Vallejo, CA
Has she had the test for coronavirus antibodies present?

I always fear when vets are unable to find the cause of a fever or the fever is not responding to antibiotics.

There is no sure way to diagnose fip.

However there are 3 things that might indicate fip.
  1. The cat has a low number of lymphocytes in blood test.
  2. The cat has a positive FCoV test result, which alone simply means the cat HAS in fact contracted the coronavirus.
  3. The cat has elevated globulins in his blood test. When these 3 things show up in a cat, it is likely to be fip.
FIP can affect a cat of 16 months, yes. But not so commonly.

If your cat was 8 months old I would think fip easier than at 16 months, but like I said, it does happen, just not much.

I hope not, but the unexplained fever is confusing.


TCS Member
Dec 1, 2005
Sometimes, they just get random illnesses from stress.  Sometimes, you have to try different antibiotics until you find one that works.  When I adopted my older cat in 2005, it took us 3 WEEKS to get her well, and that was after 1 week at the vet hospital.  She also ran a fever for about a week after bringing her home.  It's very possible that your kitty picked up something from your friend's cat.  Is your friend's cat also sick?


TCS Member
Top Cat
Jan 16, 2006
North Carolina
I have been reading this thread and my heart just goes out to you and your kitten.  Did any of the vets or hospital do an ultrasound?  I am in a similar situation, but they are pretty sure my 8 month old kitten DOES have FIP.  She started out the same way with our 8 month old kitten. She went from very energetic playful to sleeping and not wanting to eat.  Went to the vet and her temperature was about 105,  Vet did blood test and Xray and found something with elevated liver something. Did the titer test and came back positive for Corona Virus. Did an Eliza test which came back negative. Then she suggested we do an ultrasound and that showed up some fluid in her abdomen which they analyzed and came back 3 things it could be, I think IBD, cancer, or FIP.  Given all the other things, they figure FIP. Why does your vet think your kitten does not have FIP?  I sincerely hope and pray that it isn't that, and that they can find the cause and that it's something very easy to cure.