Help! Adopted an adult cat...He bites!!


TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 7, 2013
Okay. So I did a little research and instead of adopting a kitten I made the choice to adopt an adult cat. I adopted him through a rescue group that also does TNR in our area. Apparently, he had an owner that died and that's why he was at the rescue organization.

The day I adopted him, I went back to the shelter area to take a picture of him. He was being kept in the old Humane Society building for our county in an open kennel with about six other cats.  My sister and I were petting him and a volunteer came up and was really going on and on and petting him also, and he bit me on the palm of my hand below my thumb. There was no growling hissing or batting. Just a quick bite, but it was enough to go deep and draw blood. I didn't think too much of it, because of the environment and thought maybe he was just overstimulated.

So the next day, on Saturday,  the cat was brought to my home. After a few hours of hiding he came out to say hello, used his litter box, and ate. He was very affectionate and likes to be pet and be on my lap.

Fast forward to today. This afternoon he was up on the chair with me and I was petting him and texting my brother, and with no warning he bit my pinky finger hard enough to draw blood. There is no warning when this happened, he was purring and rubbing me wanting my affection even immediately after he bit me. I don't feel he is doing this to be aggressive.

The problem is I have no warning when this happens. I can't trust him not to bite me or someone else that comes over.

He is a neutered six year old male. He is very loving, already following me from room to room, purring, head butts, everything. I can't figure out what is going on here!

Anyone have any advice? If this happens again I will have to return him because I can't handle having a cat that I can't trust to not bite me or others, whether it is out of aggression or otherwise. I have never experienced this, but have only adopted kittens in the past.


TCS Member
Adult Cat
Jul 17, 2013
you've said a couple times it happens when you're petting him, you might be petting a certain spot that hurts him or he doesn't want you to touch him at and he might not know of any other way to tell you except to bite you. have you noticed if it only happens when you touch one certain area of his body? like his hips or side or belly or tail? my older cat will bite me if I touch her belly or tail or feet so I just avoid those areas
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 7, 2013
Well when it happened at the shelter I didn't think much of it and gave him the benefit of the doubt as I figured he was just overstimulated with everything that had been going on.

When he bit my finger yesterday I was only petting him a bit here and there because I was texting at the same time.

So at first I thought the same thing. Or I thought maybe it was petting induced aggression in that he had enough pets and was biting to get me to stop. But immediately after biting he is still purring and rubbing me.

This morning I was walking into the kitchen after I woke up and he was meowing a bit and wanting pet. Well I kept walking, and do you know that he swatted my ankle and bit at my ankle? Is it possible that he is doing this to get my attention versus getting me to stop? If I hadn't had flannel bottoms on he would have really got me again.

I don't understand because he so loving, but if this unpredictable behavior continues I will have no choice but to return him. I am a nurse and I constantly am washing hands, using alcohol rubs, etc. I can't do my job with all these bandaids and areas of broken skin on my hands! Plus it hurts! What if he bites my face?

I don't know if I can train him to stop the behavior because there is no warning before it happens!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 29, 2013
Hold off the petting for now, and keep a fishing-pole type toy and stuffed animal around for now. When he tries to bite, distract him with the toy. He just might be stressed (even if it doesn't seem like it, new environment and all)  and needs to redirect his energy elsewhere... It's a different kind of overstimulation, not just physical... but mental also. 

How old is he? Even though he's not a kitten, some cats are just a lot more hyped on energy naturally.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Mar 1, 2009
South Dakota
When he does bite you, make a big deal of it; yelp like it's killing you, jump up and just basically pretend the sky is falling ;). It seems like some cats don't know that it hurts humans (ever seen cats grooming each other, then one bites the other one and they just go on like nothing happened? I think it's normal cat interaction and they don't understand that humans are more delicate) and when you make it obvious that you got hurt he might be more gentle.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 7, 2013
Pinkman: He is a six year old neutered male. I can try to avoid petting him, but he literally shoves his head beneath my hand and arm! I will try to distract him if I feel he will bite, but it happens so fast with no warning that it is difficult to do that.

Willowy: Ok. I will make a big fuss about it if it happens again. I really didn't react at first because it was so random I was stunned. I have never had a cat bite me before, but have only adopted kittens in the past.

Thank you everyone for responding!


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 29, 2013
I still think getting some play sessions in to drain his energy can help a lot. How often and how long do you play with him? You should try to get in 15 minutes of play time twice a day (before eating is the best!) to wear him out. What toys do you have for him?

I also second Willowy's advice if it seems difficult to distract him. When he bites, don't try to pull away though. From my experience that looks like prey behavior to the cat and can make him bite even more. 
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 7, 2013
Pinkman: I have any toy for him: cat dancer, wands, catnip stuffed plush, mice, balls. The first few days he wouldn't play at all, but last night I was able to get him to play some. I will keep trying the advice and hope the behavior ends.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
Mar 29, 2013
Do you anything like Da Bird? Something like a fishing pole - a stick with string with something attached. Such a toy is good for releasing energy as you can get the cat to run around but also jump and do flips and such.

It may take time to get him on a regimen of playing. No matter how little he does play, if he does - treat him. Soon he should realise that playing = food...

good luck!

lorie d.

TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 2, 2001
Upper Midwest (SE MN)
When he does bite you, make a big deal of it; yelp like it's killing you, jump up and just basically pretend the sky is falling ;). It seems like some cats don't know that it hurts humans (ever seen cats grooming each other, then one bites the other one and they just go on like nothing happened? I think it's normal cat interaction and they don't understand that humans are more delicate) and when you make it obvious that you got hurt he might be more gentle.
Cats learn that biting hurts through interacting with each other as kittens. It's possible that your cat never got a chance to do this and doesn't realize he's hurting you when he bites.
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The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Hi Rens Twin, how are things going with your shelter adoption.  Have you managed to make any more sense of your cat's biting or did you go back to the shelter?  I also hope that you are taking good care when he has bitten you, as I am sure you know cat bites, particularly deep ones on the hand can become infected and require medical attention quickly if there is any sign of inflamation or swelling.

Interested to hear how you are getting on.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 7, 2013
Well I had to call the rescue organization back, and the vet there told me to bring him back. They were not aware of this behavior when they adopted him out. He was very friendly and I hope that he is fostered with someone that can monitor and perhaps change his behavior.

I had a hard time explaining this to some other people that just felt the cat was mean. I kept telling them he is not mean, and he is not doing it out of aggression.

As I am a nurse, I cannot afford to have these open wounds on my hands with the things I have to deal with at work. I really wanted to help by adopting an adult cat, but with that comes dealing with behavior that can be hard to change.

I will adopt again, but unfortunately it will probably be two kittens. I just think at this point I would rather help mold the behavior from the beginning rather than attempt to change what has been allowed.

I'm still having a hard time over the loss of my boo, and every time I see a grey kitten I feel like taking it home with me, but I know that is a terrible idea.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
Sorry to hear how it has ended, but you are right that you have to be careful, and interesting that the shelter said they were not aware of the behaviour even though you noted it before the adoption went ahead.  Hopefully he will now be monitored and helped, perhaps even before trying to rehome him again as it must be traumatic for him.  Thank you for trying to support him, and understanding that his behaviour was not out of nastiness or wanting to hurt you, and wanting him to have access to the support and help he needs.

Is Boo the cat in your avatar?  If so he looks a pretty awsome cat..  I can relate to that difficulty when you see kittens with grey colouring, I used to feel the same with little spotted tabbies and even now when I see spotted tabby cats they remind me of my girls. I purposefully got a cat that looked totally different to them when I got my next cat - and now have my first grey boy.  I hope you find a kitten / kittens to fill your home soon and that this time it all works out for you.
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TCS Member
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Young Cat
Dec 7, 2013
Yes it was terrible to return him as I already was growing attached to him.

Vegas is the gray cat in my avatar. I had a ton of nicknames for her lol.

I'm thinking maybe a tuxedo kitten and a tabby kitten pair. I've had good luck with kittens previously!


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
I have always adopted kittens, for the reasons you have talked about.  Taking your cat back and leaving him there must have felt so bad, but hopefully someone will be able to help him.   I know there is a big need for older cats to find loving homes but kittens desperately need homes too and if your shelter has kittens then go for it!  See who's there and falls in love with you, they are bound to win your heart over what ever they look like! 


TCS Member
Young Cat
Nov 4, 2013
Biting and play can be confusing for some cats, not quite knowing when to stop.  I've been having more play time with my "new" semi-feral 4 year old, and she now sometimes will grab my hand and arm with her paws when I'm petting her and will gently nip at my hand.  I'm working on discouraging this "mouth play", and I figured out a few things;  If I watch her pupils and her tail, I can usually tell when she's going to try to grab my arm and hand.  Her pupils get BIG, and her tail goes from little swishes to big waves.  If she gets me with her claws and teeth, I give out a loud "OW!"  "NO!" and stop all interaction, until she calms down.  She seems to be learning, but it is slow, and now any time she even starts to grab my hand, I distract and disconnect.  So, mostly I am very careful to watch her body language very very carefully, and if I'm engaged with her, I try not to be distracted with anything other than her.

I know she's being playful and it might be "love bites", but keeping it from becoming a bad habit is tricky.  As someone else mentioned, if they haven't learned certain kinds of social and interaction skills as kittens, it can be a challenge to teach them to them now, as adults.


The Mouse servant
Jul 8, 2013
The Mouse Pad, UK
That sounds pretty much like Mouse when he's contemplating a head pounce. 
  His ears also shift so he looks very concentrated and aroused.  I know I need to posture myself and say 'NO' pretty quick or be ready for his 9 1/2 lb of cat belly to land in my face.

Getting to know your cat's body language is really useful, and important if you want to be able to predict some of their actions and divert them.


TCS Member
Alpha Cat
May 14, 2013
FWIW:  Cats with owners that like to play a little rough with them create cats that will bite a little.  I know, I was one such owner.  My late cat Houdini (RIP) was a big Maine Coon type. When I got him at 6 months, I thought nothing of letting him attack my hands in rough play.  I am not in your situation where cuts on the hands are a problem. Heck, without cats I'd just have cuts from my clumsiness in the kitchen - which is considerable. I must have a high pain tolerance (needles don't faze me one bit)...that plus being and Houdini were just fine with our understanding that drawing a little blood was ok.

Since The Boyfriend is not fond of getting chewed on, I changed my tune with subsequent cats.   Just a theory...but the cat you adopted might have had such an owner.  So he might not have been doing it out of anger/aggression/spite - it might have been "business as normal" for him.

I had adopted a formerly feral cat that I returned to foster after a month because foster mom and I concluded he was never going to adjust - so I know how it feels to make that decision.  Like you, I had decided to take a different approach to an adoption, taking home a cat that didn't show clear signs of "picking me" - but ended up returning to my tried and true method: 

Go to shelter.

Pick up cats and see which one melts into me calmly as if to say: "take me home".

That's how I found Dexter...and its been a nearly perfect match for our household.

Good luck with your next try.


TCS Member
Top Cat
Sep 11, 2013
Tel Aviv
The very first cat I adopted over 20 years ago was about 4 months old. When I brought her home I showed her where her food and drink and litter box was. She went to eat. Drink. Use the facilities! And sat down to wash. She never went to hide and slept with me from that night on. When I stroked her too much she'd put my hand down with her paw
I'd get another warning if necessary and then a bite which I deserved after all.
The I have now are so good. I do do the finger play
But that's because I know I won't be bitten. They do the crouching ready to attack thing. Pounce and touch me with a soft paw. They never bite or scratch on purpose.
One is an abandoned siamese called whisky and the other a black and white street cat called blighty.
I suppose I was just lucky.
I did have 2 little sisters one tabby and one calico. They were gorgeous.
Adopt your kittens and enjoy them.


TCS Member
Aug 27, 2013
I adopted a

cat in July/13. I was scammed into thinking is was my cat who went missing in March. The cat.turned out to be pregnant with 6 kittens. I found homes for all of them including the mother. I kept one of the kittens. She was the most rambunctious. She was born on August 28. As I have been typing this she has attacked my leather couch 3 times an bit me once. She as always been a nipped me once. Everything chaNged about a week when she attacked friend which she has had contact with since she was born. She went absolutely rabid. I washed blood off the living room floors and the kitchen floors and walls. She is completely out of control. I can't let my grandchildren in the house with her. I feel really sad, but I can't take a chance. Would you believe the CSPCA charges $60 to take in an animal. Just saying that makes me cry harder. Does anyone know a place in Montreal where I could take her?