My Sweet Lola is at the Rainbow Bridge


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 10, 2024
It's amazing that all these years can seem like an eternity, or an instant. The pain is always there, recalled again and again. But the love is there too, and somehow we go on.......
Can’t put to words how deeply Antonio you loved Lola. It was backed by dedicated selfless service!! I had a question to anyone reading who may have experienced such profound losses. We lost our heart just this Sunday (14April2024). We can’t even remove her litter away!!!!!! We did take all unopened canned food and litter boxes to SPCA. But everything else we cannot even touch because we feel that’s all we have left. The hospital is busy euthanizing a lot so they can only give us back Cleo”s remains in 14 days because we elected private cremation!! How did you guys handle your beloved’s belongings? Cleo was alone but we have accumulated a lot of toys and stuff for her. How long did it take for you guys to clean and donate some of the belongings to others? Or should we leave it intact for many months? We can’t understand what to do as the pain is so strong!!
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  • #202


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Can’t put to words how deeply Antonio you loved Lola. It was backed by dedicated selfless service!!
Thanks so much. Seven years later I still miss her, and it's hard for me to talk about her without a tear rolling down my eyes.

I had a question to anyone reading who may have experienced such profound losses. We lost our heart just this Sunday (14April2024). We can’t even remove her litter away!!!!!! We did take all unopened canned food and litter boxes to SPCA. But everything else we cannot even touch because we feel that’s all we have left. The hospital is busy euthanizing a lot so they can only give us back Cleo”s remains in 14 days because we elected private cremation!! How did you guys handle your beloved’s belongings? Cleo was alone but we have accumulated a lot of toys and stuff for her. How long did it take for you guys to clean and donate some of the belongings to others? Or should we leave it intact for many months? We can’t understand what to do as the pain is so strong!!
I'm deeply sorry for you loss.
You made a very good question. When my Lola died, her stuff remained in its place for months. I stiil had another elderly cat at the time, she left me 16 months later, August 2018.
You know what? Her litter box is still where it was, never moved it, it still has the same litter in it, clean, scooped and untouched. And her carrier is still where I left it when she died.
All the other stuff (dishes, blankets and toys) remained where they were until I took another cat home a year later.

Now I have two young cats and they have their own things, but the litter box and carrier for my last elder cat are still there.
I always say that I should remove them and store them away, but I don't feel ready for it.

di and bob

TCS Member
Top Cat
Dec 12, 2012
Nebraska, USA
I still have my Chrissy's little food dish, her blanket and her collar. I had other cats so it was impossible to keep them out of her things, so I packed them up a few days later, to keep them 'hers'. Now, almost twelve years later, they bring me comfort, but then they were devasating to see out. She will always be with me, because love is spiritual, so eternal.........
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  • #204


TCS Member
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Top Cat
Feb 27, 2017
Orbassano - Italy
Happy Birthday my sweet Lola, the sweetest cat ever, happy birthday even if I can't celebrate it with you, but you know you are always in my heart and mind, always!
You would have been 24 years old today, and I know, I am sure that you would have lived to be this old if it weren't for that nasty oral carcinoma. I am sure of this.
I love you Lola, I always will ❤


TCS Member
Young Cat
Apr 10, 2024
They are little angels or Buddhas transitioning through our lives. Always have a purpose so we should be thinking why they came and what is the lesson they taught us. Live full lives so that our dear angels serve the purpose they came to us for!!!