Search Results

  1. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    Yeah, it's a pattern with a lot of cats -- she may not have jettisoned all the used fur yet. And then, yeah, it makes you feel like there's a hole to fill. So snork, snork, snork and regurge. :sigh::sickcat:Poor Betty. Time to visit the land of Rebootie. :winkcat:
  2. tarasgirl06


    A good door or window looking out onto the world is some of the best entertainment there is, right, @Katie M? ;) Elvis surveying his garden :redheartpump::bluecat::redheartpump:
  3. tarasgirl06

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    @mainsoda Your little orange kitten is adorable! What is his name and story? :loveeyes: Kittens are little bundles of speed and energy and love! @Unc Yeah, cats do that. The Cat Distribution System (CDS) is at work PURRpetually, bringing those most unconditionally loyal & loving beings into...
  4. tarasgirl06

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    Well, Egyptian Mau IS the original cat breed, so they probably all cats have this in their lineage. UNC is very handsome!
  5. tarasgirl06

    Look who's reading TCS tonight! 😄

    WOW. I firmly believe in learning something new every day. Thanks for giving me two new things. :lolup: I'll be a lot more careful about my pasta from now on. 😑🍝🙀
  6. tarasgirl06

    Look who's reading TCS tonight! 😄

    Sorry about that, @tiggerwillow. The boa's bite wouldn't have been much to fear, though -- they're constrictors and they squeeze their prey. Not pleasant, but it's nature. Wormies? Yeah, it's been described that way. Fortunately, Elvis doesn't really see pasta when I have it, as it's either...
  7. tarasgirl06


    Just finished part of our CATurday morning ritual of spraying scratchers/cat furniture with catnip spray and distributing 'nip-and-'vine around the house.
  8. tarasgirl06

    Show Us Your Cats Together

    What a gorgeous scene! :loveeyes:
  9. tarasgirl06

    Look who's reading TCS tonight! 😄

    (S)he (not sure of gender) was living on her land when we bought the beautiful place. I loved her! She grew to be about 7' long, I'd estimate, and I asked my ex to ask the buyers to please let her live and leave her alone, as she was non-venomous and her prey was the packrats and mice living...
  10. tarasgirl06

    Look who's reading TCS tonight! 😄

    Yeah, that's *unprintable on TCS* but you KNOW my reaction to THAT.:fuming::bat:🤬:fireblob: THIS is a SNAKE(Slither, a Pine-Gopher snake, in the Mojave. Love her!) See any resemblance whatsoever to a cucumber? Yeah. Me neither.
  11. tarasgirl06


    Elvis loves his refillable 'nip bags! 🌿 :petcat::dizzycat:
  12. tarasgirl06


    I'm not a mod so I'm only speaking PURRsonally when I say IDK if there's a limit, but we do love pix here at TCS! :agree:
  13. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    The same holds true for Elvis! all the way around. Since I also work at/from home, I scoop around 5x a day, or whenever needed. Overnight, though, he's like me -- he gets up. And unlike our Finnish cat friends, he doesn't use the people-box. 🚽
  14. tarasgirl06


    :angrycat: 😼🐾🐾🌿*Hey, Tigger! Leav-a da leaf!*
  15. tarasgirl06

    Introducing Betty White

    Yeah, you basically don't get one without the other :lolup:
  16. tarasgirl06

    How can you tell when your cat is relaxed?--Post your pictures here

    My thoughts exactly, @Kwik. Missy has such a sweet little face and yes, she does look very contented and relaxed in her chair, @mama africa! :cloud9:
  17. tarasgirl06

    Look who's reading TCS tonight! 😄

    What a sweet smile! Yes, an ecstatically joyour catter! :cloud9: ❤ :kneading:❤
  18. tarasgirl06


    I used to buy catnip plants (and catgrass plants) when I went to Petco and when we moved here, the catnip plant was in a pot on the verandah where, in no time, it was flattened and crushed. :cloud9::cutecat::kneading:Obviously, someone had some good experiences there.:agree::crackup:
  19. tarasgirl06

    Work from home assistants

    What beautiful pix and what wonderful accompanying text :goldstar: ❤
  20. tarasgirl06

    Work from home assistants

    ...which is far more important than just about everything else in meetings. But I digress.😑