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  1. fluffpaws

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    Just curious,does Momma know you have her kittens? If she does that may work to your advantage in catching her. I had an older Tom that was proving to be very hard to trap, every Sunday when he came for food a trap was waiting for him.Well after 6 months of that I decided to try something...
  2. fluffpaws

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    They are adorable 🥰
  3. fluffpaws

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    Congratulations!!! That is excellent news. Thank you for what you are doing for the kitties 😻 💗
  4. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    Hooray and Hallelujah!!!! 🥳 Way to go Timmy 😻Good job Kwik☺️ Try not to worry, he will be fine.❤️
  5. fluffpaws

    Please help with big decision

    She looks so comfy snoozing on her cat tree.🤗Can I ask how long it took for her to start using it? I've been wanting to get one for my cat but I am afraid she won't use it.
  6. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

  7. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    I guess I was fortunate that my boy was a tuna hound !!! I used to be able to sneak almost any med as long as it was in his tuna tuna. Please don't be so hard on yourself, you are still recovering from your own medical problem.We all know that Timmy is in the best of hands.❤️
  8. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    Hi Kwik Have you considered gabapentin? I found it to be a miracle drug with one of my feral boys who had to be vetted, he literally turned into Jell-O in my hands.Even the vet commented on how much better he behaved that day.🤗 Sometimes we all need a little help.
  9. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    All of us who"s hearts belong to feral cats can relate to that gut wrenching feeling when one of our babies are sick , my heart goes out to you and Timmy❤.
  10. fluffpaws

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    One more thing, I always wear gloves when handling the traps so my scent is not on them ,I don't want them to be able to smell a rat !!! ☺️
  11. fluffpaws

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    I had one cat year's ago that I could not get to go into the trap.Like you I thought I had tried everything. Then I read that some cat's can smell the stress from another cat that was in the trap.Even though I scrub the traps multiple times and leave them out in the fresh air for days,I decided...
  12. fluffpaws

    Need more ideas on catching last feral

    Hi Seymour, I had a similar situation with the "shunning". A colony of cats I cared for suddenly turned on one of the females,they would run her off when ever she came to eat,I was totally confused by their behavior towards her. Well unfortunately it turned out that she was sick, poor baby . I...
  13. fluffpaws

    Abandoned Older Kitty

    You asked for ideas. If you have a spare room that you could set him up in to keep him separated from your resident cat,you can work on gradually introducing them.There is a lot of good advice from very caring and experienced members who can help you with the introduction process.I would try to...
  14. fluffpaws

    Abandoned Older Kitty

    I would take him in a heartbeat 💓 He looks just like my Snowman who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge last October 😔 I miss him so. He was also an outside cat but he was feral . He had been in the neighborhood for a long time.I walked every day and he became my constant shadow, spent every night...
  15. fluffpaws

    Please help with big decision

    On the day you plan on setting the trap hold back on food,either don"t feed her breakfast or just a tiny bit and than bait the trap that evening , you want her to be hungry enough to enter the trap. That"s always the hard part for me [not feeding them] but,they won"t go in unless they are...
  16. fluffpaws

    Please help with big decision

    I actually went to Walmart the other day and bought a laundry hamper with wheels,a lid,and a handle.IN my next attempt to get my girl to the vet I plan on grabbing her,with gloves on of course ,dropping her into the hamper and taping the lid shut !!!! It has little holes all over so there is...
  17. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    thank you both for your quick responses and detailed advice. I am working today but as soon as i get a minute I will answer your questions. Thanks again for the advice.
  18. fluffpaws

    Timmy,7yr old TNR true feral! COLD TURKEY!

    HI Kwik , I am so envious of you!!!! Could you please tell me how you apply a flea med to your ex-feral Timmy? I have been trying for months , she rolls on her back as soon as i start to apply flea med ,most of the time it winds up on the floor and she takes off running..I swear she can smell...