Search Results

  1. FeebysOwner


    Hi. I don't know which type of ticks can be spread from cats to humans, but what is more important is to keep ticks off your cat regardless. There are topical flea treatments that kil/repel ticks as you might want to consider using one. Look up Frontline Plus and/or Revolution PLs to see...
  2. FeebysOwner

    Cat was spayed and had to be spayed again

    You could at least call your regular vet and ask about residual hormones and how long they might last. I don't know what the shelter did to determine there was ovarium tissue left from the original surgery, but there is a test to check hormone levels that might be a good way me to get your...
  3. FeebysOwner

    Possibly still in pain 3+ weeks after tooth extractions? Does anyone else see it or am I just crazy?

    Maybe the vet who did the extractions can shed some light on this issue between looking at Tessa's mouth and watching the video. If you don't get anywhere with this vet, I'd be looking for a second opinion. Hope you get the lymph node test results back soon!
  4. FeebysOwner

    Cat was spayed and had to be spayed again

    Hi and welcome to TCS, despite what brought you here. I don't think there is much you can do until your vet opens and you can call and talk with them. But, keep in mind that it can take some time after surgery for the hormones to completely leave her body, so that is one possibility as to why...
  5. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    Thanks @rubysmama for going through that exercise! I did something very similar and also thought font 15pt might be the default. All I was trying to do was confirm that with someone within TCS that actually knows!! I sure thought it would be simpler than it has turned out to be!!
  6. FeebysOwner

    Cat’s hair and skin

    Hi. I wouldn't bathe him nor would I cut his hair, if not absolutely necessary. Does he groom himself? If so, I would have thought that he would be able to clean off any dirt on his belly or anywhere else for that matter. Does he go outside and lay in the dirt, which could explain why it seems...
  7. FeebysOwner

    Help! My cat is peeing outside her little box

    Hi. I agree with the above. The first thing that needs to be done is check for health related issues - such as mentioned above. A urinalysis would the test to start with. If she is/was pregnant, then I presume she is not spayed, and that may have something to do with it as well.
  8. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    So, no one on staff knows what me the default font size is?
  9. FeebysOwner

    Continuing Metronidazole FOR Diarrhea if it causes Diarrhea?

    Hi. I agree with the above, since you can call the vet tomorrow and talk with them about this - and the blood. I suspect the blood could be due to how irritated his intestines are from the diarrhea. S. boulardii should be stated as soon as you can get some. Because it is yeast based it works...
  10. FeebysOwner

    Limbic Encephalitis - Rare autoimmune disease and seizures

    Even if we can't help any other way, we can help by just being here for you. Talk to us at any time, keep this thread alive (if you want) and maybe in time others will chime in too.
  11. FeebysOwner

    Thoughts on an overnight cage cage/bedroom?

    It works for you and your cats; that is pretty much the bottom line.
  12. FeebysOwner

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    It was plain ignorance and the reluctance to put her through the isolation. Pure and simple.
  13. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    I am not sure if that will work or not, as I still don't know what the default font size is that I am trying to achieve.
  14. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    You just changed the font size to all of these posts besides my initial one. Was that deliberate? Also, here goes just randomly picking a font to change this post (I picked 18pt). Once I pick a font, then it shows that size highlighted.
  15. FeebysOwner

    Um, what do I do about paint on my cat’s nose?

    I'd try some olive oil with a soft cloth to try to remove it.
  16. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    Just tried with my post above, and again there is no font size highlighted.
  17. FeebysOwner

    UTI in Elderly Cat with CKD

    And, the peeing on clothes was stopped by removing them from anywhere he could get to? Does he now, and then, go to the litter box to poop? Sorry if you have told us and I forgot. I honestly don't have any Ideas for you, other than what you are going to try. besides my other suggestions. I...
  18. FeebysOwner

    Default font size?

    I've noticed that when I create a post and click on the font size, there is nothing highlighted. And, you can't cheek the font size on any already posted items. Just curious as I recently copied and paster some text from a MS Word file and was notified that the print was so small that the mods...
  19. FeebysOwner

    Hyperthyroid Diagnosis

    My cat started on Felimazole when her T-4 was 4.5. Initially I gave her just 1.25mg twice a day because I didn't want to overdo it with a larger dose. With methimazole, that would have been pretty difficult. Felimazole comes in 2.5mg, so getting it cut in half was 'doable'. Now, she needs...
  20. FeebysOwner

    Thoughts on an overnight cage cage/bedroom?

    As long as they don't mind, and they have all their necessities available to them, then it works for your situation. The key is probably 'training' them to have accepted this lifestyle since they were kittens. and, people do that with dogs all the time. I personally have never done it, but then...