Recent Content by GranolaLouise

  1. GranolaLouise

    All Things Books and Reading Thread - 2024

    Being an avid knitter I love to 'read' via Audible. Presently I am reading My Beloved Monster by Caleb Carr it is very entertaining, although I do think he reads into his cat's behavior more than is there. A lot he writes as if his own imagination were his cat's genuine thoughts and...
  2. GranolaLouise

    Calling all knitters and other woolly things.

    Yarn Monsters. The other day I was knitting and was using a HUGE ball of yarn..I mean HUGE. I bought it purposefully because I hate weaving in those ends for the FO when using small balls. Suddenly I came to the end after using about 2 yards ...turns out one of my little darlings had chewed the...
  3. GranolaLouise

    Calling all knitters and other woolly things.

    I hear you about the Arthritis..I identify. Hey, what on earth are those chubbies eating? They are too cute with their chunky cheeks! And I hope this thread goes on for another 18 months!
  4. GranolaLouise

    They sense illness

    Very informative article. Thanks. The 7 month old fell asleep on my stomach this morning after kneading the electric blanket. It was so endearing!
  5. GranolaLouise

    They sense illness

    Thanks for ALL the well wishes. Mine don't bring toys over, tigger, they just don't bug me for treats , toys , and they even wait patiently for food.
  6. GranolaLouise

    They sense illness

    My 2 cats are very energetic. They beg for food in between mealtime,they beg for treats,they know when the hours of enrichment roll around, and are very vocal about playing with toys. However, last night I came down with chills and fever and tested positive for the flu! So today I spent the...
  7. GranolaLouise

    A Word of Caution about Plants

    And yet there are some who swear their's would never be an indoor only cat and let them freely roam through tomato patches and other toxic plants. I don't get it.
  8. GranolaLouise

    Vote for your Favourite 10 'It Wasn't Me' cat photos. Picture of the Month May 2024

    I am right in the path of Logan Airport..same thing here.
  9. GranolaLouise

    A Word of Caution about Plants

    I love to start seeds indoors ,transfer them to plastic cups with soil and then plant outside in the yard. I checked several times on what plants are toxic to cats and found that my favorite flower was not toxic at all. Well last night my 2 cats were racing at top notch speed..MEGA ZOOMIES..only...
  10. GranolaLouise

    Calling all knitters and other woolly things.

    I love it. love it love it:redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump::redheartpump:
  11. GranolaLouise

    Clicker Training for Shelter Rescues ?

    These are Mom and daughter and stick together like glue, mimic each other and know their names. I would love to have them be somewhat trained..the only time they 'listen' is when they want food! Mischief is their middle name. If they are on the table, they KNOW they aren't allowed, yet they...
  12. GranolaLouise

    Clicker Training for Shelter Rescues ?

    I would LOVE to have my cats come to me when I want them to. They always give me that cold shoulder: I call them, they look at me, turn that head away very slowly, and IGNORE me. Then 30 seconds later when THEY want, they come to me as if to show me who is in control! Typical cat behavior. I had...
  13. GranolaLouise


    I solved the problem of the porch screens. A handyman added an extra metal wire all around. What I am afraid of now are my double hung windows which all have those soft mesh screens. There is no way to reinforce those and there are too many to fool with. So the little ones will just have to...
  14. GranolaLouise


    Thank you so much.
  15. GranolaLouise


    My cats saw me out in the yard and decided that they wanted to join me. So they clawed 2 holes in the mesh sscreening up on the second floor porch to get out. Question: Do they still make rolls of METAL claw proof screening to replace soft mesh screening ?