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  1. iPappy

    My little Pumpkin died today

    I hope you're having a better day today. I think this random realization thing is normal. Sometimes I'll be half asleep, and my mind will drift back to Goofy or Tag and it will hit me all over again and wake me up. It's terrible but it does lessen with time. :hugs:
  2. iPappy

    Ruby – 3,830 days was not enough

    That's a beautiful photo, calendar worthy IMO. :)
  3. iPappy


    If it was gone, its probably was unharmed, but stunned. I had something similar happen with a sparrow that I thought was injured in my yard. I checked on it often, and after an hour or so I checked on it again and it flew away, seemingly unharmed.
  4. iPappy

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    @Kwik I never realized squirrels have little hands vs. "paws". Cool photo! @NY cat man I feel the same about rabbits, and we have done things to keep them away. I don't despise them, but I want them FAR from the yard because I don't want to see them killed by a dog.
  5. iPappy

    Pet loss and grief

    When my Tag was diagnosed with cancer, I took him to a vet and plunked him on the table and told the vet "just fix him." She did a lot for him. I worked remotely with another vet and pretty much told her the same thing..."I don't care what we do so long as it doesn't hurt him. Just....fix...
  6. iPappy

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    I'm hopeful this is a short bump in the road for Geoffrey and he will be feeling much better very, very soon. ❤️
  7. iPappy

    New Carrier and our adventure to get Calcifer into it

    I think you're doing great with the carrier. Feeding him in it is a great idea. I would gradually work up to him being comfortable with that, then, when he's eating his last bite or two, close the door, leave it for a few seconds, then open it. Act like it's no big deal. On the...
  8. iPappy

    Claw clipping (back claws)

    I did a foot per feeding, so within 2 days, all claws were clipped. I tried it on the boys. LOL, I got the backs done but luckily the fronts aren't bad because they would have gladly used me as a sharpener!
  9. iPappy

    Pet loss and grief

    Mods, I hope this OK to post here. This 16 minute TED talk explains our feelings of grief after losing a pet. I listened to it while doing some cleaning at work and found myself dabbing my eyes. It's an emotional subject, but I found it helpful on dealing with those feelings. Remember the...
  10. iPappy

    Claw clipping (back claws)

    If Willow has a food or treat she goes crazy for, that might help you out. I have one I can't clip nails on unless she has a bowl of food and treats to work on, then, she allows it. I handle her paws as little as possible, and just snip off the ends that are visible while letting her stand on...
  11. iPappy

    Cream cheese or Greek yoghurt

    I have little experience but I would probably opt for the yogurt. Cream cheese can be pretty rich. If you'd like, we have a birthday thread going and we love photos and happy birthday wishes :) 2024 Feline Birthday & Gotcha Day!
  12. iPappy

    Balki's thread :)

    On Wednesday, May 8th, a 10 week old sable male Papillon puppy came to live with me. His name is Balki. He is not registered yet, but his registered name will be "Gold on the Ark", in honor of my Tag and all my pets who have come before him. Balki came from a breeder in Illinois, who...
  13. iPappy

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    I got tied up this weekend, but I am so happy to read this update. Seeing Geoffrey all tucked in his favorite spots and hearing your stories about him and you makes me smile :) I hope you and Geoffrey got to spend Mother's Day together. Give that sweet boy a pet for me. ❤
  14. iPappy

    Look who's reading TCS tonight! 😄

    Hi pretty girl!!! :purr:
  15. iPappy

    What's on Your Mind Thread - 2024

    We don't use anything on our lawn, either. For one, there's too many dogs and cats here and for another, we actually enjoy the diversity that leaving things as is attracts. I see so many monarch butterflies in the summer because we don't cut down the milkweed.
  16. iPappy

    Ruby – 3,830 days was not enough

    It's funny, because I had so many songs from years past pop into my head after I lost 4 of my pets in a few years time. So many that I have a list going, and I made a playlist so I can listen to them anytime I wish. It's very comforting.
  17. iPappy

    Ruby – 3,830 days was not enough

    I had no idea Ruby was so badly treated before she hit the jackpot, living with you. What a beautiful, sweet, and special girl. Her forgiving nature is pretty astounding and I'm sure part of that was due to the unconditional and constant love she received from you. I am so, so very sorry for...
  18. iPappy

    Geoffrey Small Cell Lymphoma

    Thinking of you and Geoffrey @artiemom . I hope all is well. 🙏
  19. iPappy

    2024 Feline Birthday & Gotcha Day!

    Happy birthday to the Fabulous Three!!! 🎂 🎉 :party2: And a special birthday mention for Miss Mia in Heaven :) :angelcat:
  20. iPappy

    My little Pumpkin died today

    I had something similar happen. I won't go into details, but I decided that it was a "they" problem and not my problem. I can't with people who play mind games, get PO'ed at me for something, and then give me the silent treatment until I figure out why, and come up with an apology. Immerse...